~Lucy and the Robots; Abandoned story idea~

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[This is a FNaF based story starter, which I gave up on. I wrote it around 2016-17 sorta time, so none of the names used or events are canon, sorry xD]


–1982: Grand Opening–

The building was finally complete. James O'Callahan stood, gazing up at his creation. The restaurant had spent a total of three years in the making, and today was the day of the grand opening. As the town began to gather, O'Callahan went inside through the back door. His staff greeted him warmly, and he smiled back in return as he walked to his office.
There they were.
The star attractions of the restaurant; two specially designed suits, one a yellow bunny and the other a golden bear.
They were life sized and could be used as either robotic creatures able to walk around freely or as lifeless, and wearable, mascot costumes.
Bonnie the Bunny had been inspired by his wife, Bonnie who died at the age of 35, 4 years ago today. The rabbits green eyes and innocent featured designed to carry on the memory of his departed wife.
Fredbear was the other, named after his son, Frederic who was now 14 years old and waiting for the restaurant's opening.

It was to be a family friendly diner, and would be much better then the previous location. O'Callahan banned the thought of that from his mind.
I won't make that mistake again, he told himself.
He walked towards the golden bear suit; its mechanisms held back by spring locks, in its empty costume form; and climbed in.
It was perfect through his eyes; the yellow fur that covered the suit head to toe, was contrasted with a purple top hat an matching bow tie. The mask had large round holes where the wearer could see through.
He put the mask over his head, and looked at his reflection on the glass of his computer screen. Everything was going perfectly.
O'Callahan walked stiffly to the front doors of the building.
"James," a familiar voice called.
O'Callahan turned, greeted with the grin of his co-worker and best friend.
"Seb! You showed up!" O'Callahan exclaimed.
"How could I miss the grand opening?" Sebastian Clarke patted James' yellow back.
"It's 6 o'clock, Seb. Time to open the doors," O'Callahan winked behind the big mask of his.
Seb nodded, and pushed open the double doors at the front of the restaurant. James followed.
A large cheer greeted the two of them as they stepped outside.
O'Callahan waved at the younger children, and Seb smiled a perfect smile.
"Good evening all!" Seb announced loudly and proudly. "And welcome to FredBear's Family Diner!"
Another large cheer went up.
O'Callahan stood in front of the double doors, and the crowd held their breath, and the yellow bear in front of them pulled open the doors, "Come on in, and be part of our family!"
The two men stood and watched families pour into the building, proud of their hard work.
O'Callahan seemed lost in thought as Seb tapped his shoulder, "James, you coming in?"
He immediately snapped out of his trance and nodded, "Oh, yes, of course."

–One year later–

Sebastian and O'Callahan stepped down from the small stage after all of the guests had left, and gave each other a tired, yet happy glance. Seb took off the golden bunny head, and wiped the sweat from his brow.
"The kids sure love you, Seb" O'Callahan chuckled.
"Nah, it's Bonnie they love, not me," he smiled almost sadly. "Ever considered making these suits a little less... Hot and heavy? It's boiling in these."
"Did you ever see what happened to Rai the Rhino?" O'Callahan asked.
Rai the Rhino was one of the earlier, prototype suits, a lot less heavy than FredBear or Bonnie, but much less stable. The spring locks were fewer and animatronic devices smaller. When switched to suit mode, Rai collapsed on itself. If anybody had been inside... There would have be a lot of cleaning up to be done.
"Yeah... I guess you're right," Seb chuckled and started undoing the buckles at the back of the suit's torso.
James O'Callahan leaned against the stage, still wearing the suit, "Well Rai wasn't the worst.." He mumbled almost to himself.
Seb finished taking off the suit, and carefully put it on the stage, and opened a spring lock behind the neck, starting a chain reaction, putting the suit into animatronic mode. "You need a hand taking FredBear off, James?"
O'Callahan hesitated, and nodded, taking off the mask. Sweat rolled down his face.
Seb stifled a laugh, and started to take the suit apart.
That's when it all went wrong.

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