~Wake Up~

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I'm surrounded.
The darkness clouds my vision as I slowly make my way forwards into the woods. The silence is unsettling. I want to shout, to scream, but I can't find my voice.
A twig snaps beneath the weight of my foot and I immediately jerk back, suddenly aware of who– what might be watching me.
Why am I doing this..?
I need to get out. I know it. I don't have a choice.
The first show of sunlight is 2 hours away. I won't make it in time.
Fear and tension grow in twisted knots in my stomach. I feel the urge to throw up.
I need to stay strong.
I keep telling myself to keep it together. I know that crying will do me no good, screaming will lure in whatever is behind me, but I can't stand here forever.
The sound of my heartbeat pounds in my ears. I hold my breath, hoping it will quieten down, but it only grows louder. Too loud. I start breathing again, but the air has a sickly smell to it, like rotten meat...
The sound of my heartbeat is still growing louder. Then. I realise.
The ground shakes slightly at every beat– but that is not my heart beat. Footsteps.
Footsteps drawing closer.
I will my body to move, to run, but my feet remain where they are. I am frozen in the adrenaline. I can feel the blood drain from my face.
This isn't happening.
I take a deep breath, and set off sprinting.
With nothing but luck keeping me from running into the trees, I make my way as fast as I can to safety.
But it is following.
I want to turn around, to see what is behind me, but I know it is faster. The pounding footsteps are advancing, and my weak muscles are ready to give out. But I have to stay strong. I have to stay alive.
The footsteps slow to a halt. And so do I.
The silence and the darkness are all I need to stay hidden.
I stand perfectly still, breathing almost silently. I hope it was enough.
I lean back against a tree, catching my breath. I'm safe. Whatever was following me had given up, gone home. Left me alone.
That's what I hoped. 
Something cold brushes past my shoulder, and I hold back a yelp.
I can smell that putrid air again, this time, much stronger.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I suddenly felt drained.
My knees buckled beneath me and I fell to the muddy ground, face first. I clenched my teeth and rolled onto my back.
There it was.
Standing over me, this monster. Its brown matted hair hung over its pale eyes. It stood on its hind legs, staring down at me like I was a misbehaved child.
The sharpened claws of the being were thrusted downwards, tearing through my flesh.
This isn't right...
I let out a scream of shock, though I didn't feel it.
This can't be happening...
When it tore its huge hand from my chest, it was soaked in blood. My blood.
Where am I...?
The creature observed my crumpled body, and I stared helplessly as it bent down, grabbed my arm and tossed me like a rag doll.
Why is this happening...?
I hit a thick tree, the impact emptying my lungs of air. I felt my spine shatter. I landed on my arm, probably breaking that too.
I looked up at the thing, and it stared down at me. I was nothing.
It looked at my blood soaked clothes and tilted its head.
I'm going to die...
I saw the fire in the creatures eyes. Pain. Anger. Suffering.
It wanted revenge.
There was nothing I could to to avoid my fate. The creature tossed me again, high into the air.
I felt the world fade around me. Such a beautiful life, shattered, broken, torn, unfixable.
Heavily dropping to the ground, my last breath escaped my damaged lungs.
The last thing I saw was the creature standing there. My own face grinning down at me. You did this to yourself.
Then the light faded.

Short Story (and poetry) CollectionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin