Chapter 50: House Party - Part 1

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(A/N: Monster of a chapter so I had to separate it into 2 parts. Mint Yoongi is a big hit with us ARMY apparently. You thirsty hoes like him looking like a piece of candy don't ya?....okay yeah, who am I kidding. I'd suck that piece of candy six ways to Sunday if I could and I know you would too ;). Grab some snacks and enjoy the fun below!)



It was Friday finally, the week having gone by at a snails pace it seemed. My appointment Wednesday afternoon went okay. I was expecting to be grilled about my past right away but actually we just sat and talked about little stuff. My counselor is a lady in her 40's and she has a son who is disabled. She told me I could ask her any questions I wanted and she would answer. Then she asked me questions about my life like where I go to school, if I have a boyfriend, do I like where I am living, etc. She gave me the option not to answer if I didn't want to. She did write some things down, but mainly she just listened. It was an appointment that was kind of like an ice breaker, and I think I wouldn't mind seeing her again, she was pretty cool.

Wednesday night a little bit after 8:00 p.m. as usual I saw Yoongi outside. I am pretty sure he is aware that I know he's driving by, but I just pretend I don't notice him - I don't want him to feel weird about it. The first night I saw him, on Monday, my mom said a friend of hers might stop by to drop something off. I saw headlights outside and pulled the curtain back expecting to see their car outside, but instead I see a car that looked like a BMW pull away quickly.

I didn't think much of it until I saw the same car Tuesday night and again last night. He sits for probably 10 minutes or so, then leaves.

I had just arrived home today from school today when the doorbell rang, breaking me out of my Yoongi drive-by fog. I answered the door and I was greeted by a huge bouquet of flowers. An older lady was holding them, the upper half of her body completely obscured by the sheer size of the bouquet.

"Hi, can I help you," I said, trying to peer around the roses.

"Delivery for Miss Y/N," she said.

"Oh, that's me, thank you so much," I said, grabbing the bouquet from her hands. The flowers were heavy, and I had to use both hands to hold onto the thick glass vase.

The woman smiled, flexing her arms saying, "Those suckers are heavy. You must have quite the admirer. Have a great day!"

"You too," I said, giving her a smile in return. I awkwardly tried closing the door with my butt, flinging it back behind me as it slammed shut.

I brought the flowers over to the coffee table, sitting them down. They were beautiful - a mix of red, pink, and pale yellow roses. The glass vase was etched and it had a pretty bow around the neck. I saw a small white card peeking out from the front, which I grabbed and opened right away.

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl. I miss you so much.

Love, Yoongi

I smiled as I looked at his handwriting - it was messy but it was his, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I put the card up to my face, my lips pressed to the front. Knowing he touched it when he wrote the note to me made me want to be close to it for a second.

I smiled again, putting the card back into the envelope and laying it on the table. I sat on the couch, rummaging around in my shoulder bag for my phone.

When I found I pulled it out, opening my text messages and selecting our conversation. I stared at the name I gave him the night I broke things off with him, and felt a pang of guilt. Calling him simply "The Ex" seemed harsh now, when I know at the time I was just hurting and angry.

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