Kumatora x Paula

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(Ship Name: *Pending*)

Paula: So, I'm only shipped with girls and Ness. Hooray.

Kumatora: Isn't this pedophilia?

Ness: It depends, how old are you?

Paula: I'm 13.

Kumatora: I'm 19.

Duster: Then yes, this ship is actually illegal.

Ninten: I don't like ships like this anyway.

Ana: Nor do I honey.

Ninten: I'm not your honey.

Ana: Yes you are my love.


Teddy: The hell?

Ness: You two!! Get a bed and let all that screaming out!

Paula: Yes! Please do . . . wait a second.

Jeff: Agreed.

Lloyd: *is dead*

Poo: Wait, why is Lloyd dead?

Kumatora: I killed him because he sucks.

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