Chapter 9 - Silvia

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It wasn't long of a wait, and the vampires came in one by one

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It wasn't long of a wait, and the vampires came in one by one. It was probably organized that way so the newer girls would be forced to focus on just one person and not glaze over at a huge scene. The younger girls looked away, but it was morbidly fascinating for Silvia to watch the vampires feeding from the women.

A few of the slaves cowered when the men sat on the ground and pulled them to their chests. As the vampires sank their fangs into their flesh, they cried and trembled, drawing a line of concern and fear through Silvia, but she tightened her hands and continued to watch. The resigned women were still, and as they presented themselves to be fed from, their eyes rolled back into emptiness. It gave Silvia chills how dead they were to the world as the vampires drained them.

After a bit more than half of the girls had retired to the back room, Silvia felt a rush of dark energy and turned to find a vampire standing right next to her and leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. It ran its dark blue eyes over her as if interested, and she swallowed nervously as he crouched next to her. The other girls were cowering together on the other edge of the room, so she was sitting alone next to Lera who had her eyes closed.

"You're an interesting one," the man said, his hair that covered his left eye dyed dark blue to match his eyes.

"Am I?" Silvia squeaked, and he chuckled, reaching out his hand to her. Just near her face, his hand stopped, and he flexed his fingers.

"Yes. Most are either too terrified to watch directly or ignore everything." The vampire motioned to Lera. "You are seeing everything and not breaking down. If you are so interested, I can feed from you."

Silvia retracted her hand to her neck instinctively, and his smile widened.

"We can't feed from you unless you allow us. Want to get it out of the way now?" The vampire leaned into her but always kept just far enough away that he didn't touch her. "It doesn't hurt all too bad." The vampire smiled and wasn't taunting or trying to frighten her. He looked earnest in showing her that it wasn't so horrible.

Was it bad that she wanted to know what it felt like?

She was pretty sure that Ares would be pissed if she let some random Arc bite her. The man had told her not to end up bruised, which meant that it was likely worse if she let a vampire have her blood. She wasn't sure how etiquette worked here for one vampire to bite someone that another vampire liked.

Was that like cheating to them? Silvia had no idea, but she doubted Neil would like another vampire holding her to them while they sank their fangs into her. That, and how would she explain to Leon why she had bite marks in her throat, let alone her father.

"Sorry. I can't." Silvia frowned, and the vampire tilted his head with a perturbed look.

"You realize you're a blood slave, right?" he asked, and she nodded with an awkward lift of her lips.

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