Ch. 32 - Making Holiday Plans

Start from the beginning

"Hey," he said, opening up the chicken sandwich and fries in front of him. "So I called my Dad earlier." 

"How did that go?" she asked. She knew he hadn't talked to his Dad since they stormed out of the restaurant.  "Did he apologize?" 

"Ha!" Keaton laughed, popping a fry in his mouth. "My Dad's never apologized to me in his life, and I doubt he's going to start now, but we did have a long talk. I told him I wasn't going to put up with him talking to you the way he did." 

"Really?" she asked, feeling butterflies in her stomach.

"Yeah. He laughed and started mocking me, but then he realized I wasn't joking around when I hung up on him. He called me back and actually talked to me like a grown up after that."

"Well that's progress," she smiled, stealing one of his fries.

"Yeah. I told him you aren't just some girlfriend and that I love you, and he was surprised as all bloody hell because he's never heard me talk that way before," Keaton laughed with a smile. "I told him if he wants us around, he needs to apologize to you and he said he would." 

"Really?" Everly asked with wide eyes. She couldn't even imagine his Dad apologizing to her. He seemed too proud for something like that.

"Yeah. He actually suggested that I bring you home with me to London over holiday so he could do it in person. What do you think about coming home with me for Christmas?"

"To London?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. 

"Yeah. It would be great. London goes all out for Christmas and half of the city is lit up. I could show you where I grew up and we could go visit my Mom's grave together. You could meet some of my mates. What do you say?"

She sat there thinking about it with her head spinning. She hadn't expected anything like this. Then reality set in. "I can't," she said with sad eyes, hanging her head and letting out an exhale. "I can't afford a trip to London. I'm on a really tight budget Keaton and I don't want you paying for me. That's too much."

"Hey," he said, turning her face up to look at him. "You don't have to worry about that. I don't mind paying for everything. Just say you'll go with me?" he asked, staring at her with his blue eyes, waiting for an answer.

"I don't know Keaton," she said shaking her head. "I don't want you spending that much money on me. I'll feel bad."

"Everly," he said with a smile. "There's nothing to feel bad about. I've got more than enough money and I can't think of a better way to spend it than taking you home with me for Christmas. I don't want to spend the two week break away from you. Please?" he begged.

She took a deep breath in and let it out, before lifting her head and searching his eyes, slowly giving him a hint of a smile. "It looks like I'm gonna have to get a passport."

"Yes!" he shouted loudly with a big smile, pumping his fists in the air before cupping her face in his hands and giving her the most incredible kiss.

She laughed before looking around and noticing all the faces in the food court staring at them now and then she looked back at him and smiled, with her face blushing. When she looked into his blue eyes she felt all warm and fuzzy and her heart felt like it was aching. 

"Hey guys," Brad said, sliding a tray onto the table and sitting across from them. "What were you talking about that got him so excited?" he laughed.

Everly smiled and said, "Keaton invited me to spend Christmas with him in London and I said yes." 

Brad's eyes widened and he said, "Wow. Really? That's crazy. So what are you two doing for Thanksgiving?"

"We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in England, so I'll be here all week," Keaton said, taking a bite of his sandwich.  

"What about you?" Brad asked Everly.

"Well I can't afford to fly home so I'll just be hanging around campus too." She looked over at Keaton and gave him a flirty smirk, saying, "I'm sure we'll find something to get up to."

"You're not going home for Thanksgiving or Christmas?" Brad asked in shock.  "But you've never missed the holidays before. Your Mom and Dad'll be so disappointed. Hell, my parents will be too. We always spend the holidays with your family."  

Everly took a deep breath in and let it out. "Yeah. It's weird that I won't be seeing my family for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year," she said sadly as that sunk in.

The three of them sat there in silence for a few seconds before Brad said, "Hey, why don't you tag along with me and come home for Thanksgiving? I can buy your flight with the endorsement deal money from the Yankees."

"Ummmm," she said, looking over at Keaton. The thought of going on a trip alone with Brad didn't sit right with her. Her gut was telling her to say no and this time she decided to listen to it.

"No, I think I'll have to pass. I'm just gonna stay here at the dorms with Keaton. I hope you have a good trip home though. Give Mom and Dad a hug for me."

Brad's smile faded but she looked over at Keaton and he looked relieved. As much as she was dying to see her family, there was no way she was going to go on a trip alone with Brad. She couldn't do that to Keaton. 

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