S2 Chapter 1

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I watched you from behind while you trained, you were quite good but no where near as close to kill me.
I silently watched you from behind the huge tree, silently laughing to myself.
"I know you're hear Baëkhyun, so come out!" You shouted at me so I walked from behind the tree and looked at you with hatred.

Baëkhyun: "Still weak I see." I said with a hitch of anger in my voice.

You raised your sword and attacked me, and I knew what you were doing and it was smart. You was testing out my strength without me using full power, I slightly smiled and you looked at me with a blank face.
Of course I couldn't let you win so I swung you around my shoulder, and you landed on the ground.
You gasped as you made impact with the cement ground, and I laughed.
"Are you okay little girl?" I said and you glared at me, I kneeled down and helped you up.

"I'm annoyed y/n, are you even trying?" I asked and you looked down at the ground, I then noticed that the sword was in my chest

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"I'm annoyed y/n, are you even trying?" I asked and you looked down at the ground, I then noticed that the sword was in my chest.

I smirked and pulled it out and handed it back to you, I picked you up and you wrapped your legs around me.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked and you looked confused.

You: "What am I doing?" You asked while looking at me in my eyes.

Baëkhyun: "You make me want to kill you more and more, something in my chest keeps feeling strange Evey time I'm around you."

You: "It's called a heart, and I think you're falling for me." You said and I dropped you on your ass and laughed even more.

Baëkhyun: "I could never fall in love with someone like you!" I shouted and it pulled at my so called heart, I felt a weird pain when I saw you cry.

You: "I fell for you Baëkhyun." You suddenly said and I ran off of the cliff and into the freezing water.

"Baëkhyun!" You shouted and jumped in after me, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Baëkhyun: "Are you crazy y/n!? Do you want to die that bad!" I shouted at you while holding you close to me.

You: "I'm crazy about you and I don't know why." You said and I made you look at me.

I kissed you and held you closer to me, it felt nice having you this close but I had to finish what I started.
I have to kill the members and gain their powers and then destroy earth, I couldn't fall for you.

"How cute!" He said while he stood on the ledge, it was Sehun.

I smirked and flew out of the water, and drained his powers. Luckily for me all of the members showed up so I killed them all.
You looked at me with fear in your eyes, you felt how much stronger I've become.
"Oh god" You said and looked at me, I laughed wickedly.

Baëkhyun: "I'm finally at full power y/n! Now let's see who'll win." I said and picked her up from the water without ever touching her.

" I said and picked her up from the water without ever touching her

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"Come on baby! Let's see who'll die first, I bet it will be you." I said and took off my shirt, showing you the wound that you made earlier. It was completely healed and I saw you gulp, I knew that I had won and you lost.

Suddenly a strange glow radiated off of you, I was stunned.
You grabbed me by my throat and threw me into the water, making it explode all around us.

"You're a fucking ghoul!?" I shouted and you smirked at me, I was about to kill you more brutally than before.

You: "I guess I am, now I have powers to kill you Baëkhyun!"

Baëkhyun: "Then what are you waiting for? Kill me!"

You: "I can't!" You said and I raised a brow at you.

You: "I love you Baëkhyun and i don't want to kill you just yet." You said and my earge to kill you went down.
I walked onto sure and started to walk away but you chased me from behind.
I looked at you and you grabbed me, pulling me in for a kiss.

Baëkhyun: "Loving me isn't a good thing y/n, I must destroy your world with everyone on it."

You: "No you don't! Just be happy and love someone with all your heart."

Baëkhyun: "No! Now back off y/n!" I shouted at you and it pained me.

I turned my back on you and I suddenly heard you screaming, I saw your own sword in your chest. There was a man behind you and he smirked at me, he then pulled it out and you fell to the ground.

"You're a dead man!"

"You're a dead man!"

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"And so are you."

[End Of Chapter]

The Halfbreed Ghoul: Exo [Baekhyun] Fanfiction 21+Where stories live. Discover now