"Fucking finally," Tom says to himself and sighs of relief, he then gets off Tord and jumps off the bed and on to all fours.

Tom stretches his body, getting Tord to bed is a workout for him. If it weren't for the growing monstrous strength he's forming from all the chemicals he gets ejected with daily, he wouldn't even be able to get Tord off his desk chair.

He crawls like a swift lizard into the laboratory/office and turns the lights off, then crawls back into Tord's bedroom and curls up on Tord's bed, soon falling asleep much easier than Tord did.


Tord slowly opens his eyes to the sound of birds chirping outside, he sits up and tries to remember how he got into bed- oh right, Tom. He stands up from the bed and walks over to his dresser, he had to sleep in his clothes due to being dragged into bed straight from work, so he decides he'll take a shower and put on new clothes.

After many minutes of preparing for the day, Tord walks out of his bedroom door to see that Tom is nowhere in sight. Tord mutters, "Where the hell did he go? He better not have tried to escape..."

Tord walks over to his desk and sits down on his chair with a sigh, suddenly the lab door bursts open and Tom crawls in with a plate of food and a glass of milk somehow perfectly balanced on his back.

He crawls over to Tord and says, "Take the goddamn food before I have a cramp in my spine." to which Tord nods and quickly takes the plate and glass, Tom bends his back and small crackles can be heard from him doing so. "The things I do for you." Tom then crawls over to the spare desk chair and sits on it with a relieved sigh.

"Why did you bring my food anyway? Usually Crystal brings me the food," I reply as I take a bite of my toast.

"She called the laboratory and said she wouldn't be able to make it today, so I decided like the good guardian that I am that I would crawl to the cafeteria and fetch some food for you,"

"Oh well thanks-"

"All I ask is that you give me your plate when you're done with it," Tom says which makes me tilt my head in confusion.

"What? Why?"

"I've been craving some sharp stuff ever since my teeth turned practically invincible from that weird pill you gave me the other day, it feels like my organs are especially made for inedible things now," Tom shrugs and I sigh, I knew I shouldn't gave given him that pill, stupid orders.

Tord begins to eat the bacon and eggs as he chats away with Tom, they've been becoming even closer since Tom has been taking care of Tord. Tord especially feels loved since no one has ever treated him with such generosity and kindness, it makes him feel fuzzy inside whenever Tom does such things for him.

"So how did the soldiers and cooks react when you walked into the cafeteria anyway? They don't just see experiments running around the place everyday you know," Tord asks Tom as he takes a bite of his toast.

"Well a lot of the soldiers called Red Leader and he of course told them what was going on, and the cooks were hesitant on giving me food so they called the head chef and I had to explain why I needed food; so after a bit of explaining I ended up getting the food since I'm pretty damn good at convincing people of things," Tom replies as he rests his beastly forearms on the arms of the desk chair and lets his enlarged feet rest on the ground as he slightly sways himself from side to side. "You're lucky I actually care about your health, you'd be eating the bedsheets if it weren't for me ya know."

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