Blushing Mess

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A lot of cursing in this chapter lol
Third Person Pov:

"Eat your fucking dinner you Commie cunt," Tom says to Tord and smacks a plate of rather tasty food on top of Tords paperwork, causing Tord to flinch.

Tord takes his glasses off the bridge of his nose and slightly glares at Tom as he says, "I'm busy Thomas, I don't have ti-"

"Eat yo fucking dinner or I'll shove it down your fucking throat cunt, either way you're not getting out of fucking eating,"

"FINE! Okay! I'll eat the food! Just stop cursing so much! It's irritating!" Tom hands Tord a fork and Tord gives Tom one last glare before beginning to eat the food.

Tom is only like this during dinner time and bedtime, he gets very annoyed when he's tired and has things to do, so he curses a lot while doing all his chores. It irritates Tord immensely since he doesn't enjoy profanity all that much.

"Finally, you're like a spoiled stupid child," Tom says which makes Tord growl. Tom crawls over to a spare desk chair and sits on it, he rolls over to Tord in it and bunks him with it. "Lemme have some of that, I haven't eaten shit today thanks to you," Tom rips half of the large steak in half and rolls away with half of it in the desk chair.

"You tell me to eat then you take my food? Seriously?"

"Bitch how about you shut the Hell up and let me fucking eat," Tom then struggles a bit to keep a hold of the steak since his hands are beginning to enlarge and his nails are growing into claws. He decides to get on the floor and eat like a wild animal instead since that's all he can manage to do, he holds the meat down with his claws and chomps at it in a somewhat frightening way since his teeth have turned into sharp fangs.

Tord cringes at Tom's horrible eating etiquette, but just sighs and begins to eat the half of his steak and mini salad with ranch dressing.

Tord has to admit, he was really quite scared to eat before, but Tom has been practically forcing food down Tord's throat with the included bitchy care method, so he feels different about food now, even though he would still procrastinate on eating if he had the chance. Tom has been helping and he's grateful, but he'd never admit it.

Once their dinner is complete, it turns 10:00 PM. That means Tom has to drag Tord to bed in the most violent yet most effective way possible.

"NO! I'm not done with the project! It's almost done! Just give me twenty minutes!-"

"You better stop fucking struggling or I'll fucking make you sleep forever bitch!" Tom has Tord halfway through Tord's bedroom doorway, but Tord has the doorframe gripped and he refuses to leave the laboratory/office.

Tord may be a workaholic, but he knows by now that Tom's going to force him to sleep, even if that means Tom has to suffocate him until he passes out, because let's be honest, Tom would do that.

Eventually, like every night, Tom manages to pull Tord off the doorframe and practically throw him into bed. The next part of the sleeping process is for Tom to sit on Tord until he gets tired of struggling and passes out himself.

"Stop! No! Get off! Get off me!" Tord says angrily as he struggles to get Tom off his chest. "You're suffocating me!"

"I couldn't give two shits if you passed out from not breathing, because then you'd be asleep and not my problem for the night, now stop struggling and just go unconscious for fuck's sake!"

Tord tries to scream, "Get off me!!" But he starts to lose his voice and he becomes too tired to keep struggling. He eventually goes limp and passes out from using all his energy from refusing to sleep.

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