Chapter 29: I Have To Win

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"Shanaya I'm going to be fine, I'm just going to pick up my guitar and get out of there before they even realise I'm here".

"Rohan why did you even leave your guitar there in the first place".

"Shanaya I'm human, I forget things sometimes".

"But why at your house?".

Rohan laughed at Shanaya's words, even though he couldn't see her through the phone, Rohan could easily tell she was frowning right now.

"Shanaya stop frowning and hang up, the quicker you hang up the quicker I get my guitar and the quicker I come back to you".

"I will stop frowning when you come back to me in a good mood".

Rohan smiled at Shanaya's words, "I will come back to you in a good mood, I promise, now hang up and go help Rajat get his stuff from Abhi's room into mine and Jeet's room".

"Oh yeah that reminds, thank you so much Rohan".

"Thank you for what?".

"For letting Rajat stay with you and Jeet, it means a lot to me".

"I know it does Shanaya, but I didn't do it for you I did it for me, finally there's someone who can save me from Jeet's loud snoring". 

"I don't snore!".

Rohan laughed at Jeet's response, "I'm guessing your with the others".

"Yeah we are helping Rajat pack his stuff".

"Alright then nerd hang up and go help everyone pack, the sooner you pack the quicker your out of that asshole's dorm".

Ignoring Rohan's dig at Abhi, Shanaya said, "Do I have to?".


"Fine fine, I'm hanging up, just be careful and try not to get angry".

"No promises, but I will try for you, now bye".

Rohan went to hang up the phone, but Shanaya stopped him before he could, "Rohan wait!".

"What now Shanaya?".

"I love you".

Rohan couldn't stop the huge grin that came on his face after hearing Shanaya's words, no matter how many times he heard those words, they always felt like she was saying them for the first time, "I love you too nerd, now bye".

Before Shanaya could say anything else Rohan hanged up on her, knowing if he kept talking to her he would never get his guitar and never leave this hell people like to call his home. 

Putting his phone in his back pocket, Rohan took a deep breath and proceeded to open the door of Nanda Mansion. 

Entering the house, Rohan looked around and saw the hallway was empty, from the looks of it, it seemed like no one was home, and Rohan hoped that was the case, he was in no mood to deal with any of his family members right now. 

Rohan climbed the stairs up to his room, all while keeping an eye for his family members. Entering his room, Rohan was shocked to see his mother in his room, looking at their old family photos. 


Amrita looked up from the photos to see her youngest son standing at the doorway of his own room, looking very confused. 

"Rohan what are you doing here, its not the weekend is everything alright?".

"I forget my guitar here when I came here last time, so I just came here to get that".

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