Chapter 10: They Are Soulmates

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One month later,

Shanaya entered the temple and rang the bell, she walked up to the Ganpati Bappa idol and started praying.

"Ganpati Bappa you know today is my last exam, all my other exams have gone fairly well, but today is my maths exam, the worst subject ever, please give me your blessing, I'm going to need all the help I can get today" Shanaya said, praying to the Ganpati Bappa idol in front of her. 

"Here you go child" Priest said coming and giving Shanaya some prasad, "I've seen you come here everyday for the past month, why is that?". 

"Nothing to serious, just wanted Bappa's blessing for my exams" Shanaya said smiling. 

"I've also seen a boy come with you everyday, where is he today?".

"His over there giving people food" Shanaya said, pointing to a guy whose back was towards them, but they could see him giving food to the people. 

"Well I will let you go to him, but here take some prasad for him" Priest said, handing Shanaya some prasad. 

Shanaya went out of the temple and started looking for someone, she frowned when she doesn't see the person she was looking for. 

Suddenly, someone tapped her shoulder, "Looking for someone?". 

"Rohan" Shanaya whispered, looking at the person in front of her. 

"At your service nerd" Rohan said smiling at Shanaya.. 

"Where the hell were you?" Shanaya asked frowning, "I thought you left".

"I would never leave you alone Shanaya" Rohan said, "I was just playing with the kids over there". 

Shanaya smiled at Rohan's reply, "Why the smile nerd?".

"When I first bought you here a month ago, you said your never coming back here, but look at you now, you've been coming here with me everyday for the past month" Shanaya said smiling, making Rohan roll his eyes.

"Yeah yeah nerd, no need to rub it in".

"Okay okay no teasing, now put your hand out".

"Prasad?" Rohan asked, smiling knowingly.

"Prasad" Shanaya said, handing Rohan the prasad. 

Rohan ate the prasad and put his hand out for Shanaya, "Shall we go now?".

Shanaya put her hand in his, "We shall". 

Unknown to both Shanaya and Rohan the priest who gave Shanaya the prasad, was now observing them and their actions. "What are you looking at?" A bystander asked.

"Do you see those two?" Priest said, point to Shanaya and Rohan, "They are meant to be, they don't know right now, but they are soul mates, one day these two will be together, I just know it, but something tells me their love won't be easy, they will have to fight the world for each, but somehow I believe they can succeed, Ganpati Bappa will support these two and their love till the end".


"Shopping is the best therapy after a long and tiring month of studying" Rhea said, coming out of another store, with Shanaya right behind her. 

"Your such a shopaholic" Shanaya teased, making Rhea roll her eyes.

"I need all the clothes I can get not everyone is a fashionista like you, who can wear anything and look like a goddess in it".

"You've clearly not seen yourself".

"Trust me I have" Rhea said, "But let's not start a never ending argument, I want to ask you something else".

Rivalry Over Love? ~ Varun & Alia ( ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now