Chapter 2: Can't Wait To Meet You Miss Shanaya

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"Students of St Teresa, welcome to one of the most anticipated event of our collage, the ultimate car race between the two rivals, Abhimanyu Singh and Rohan Nanda" said Coach Shah, "The whole collage is aware of the rivalry between these two, mainly due to football, today's car race is going to determine who out of these two boys will become the football captain, so without any further talk, please welcome Rohan Nanda and Abhimanyu Singh". 

Both Rohan and Abhi entered the racing stadium from opposite doors, the whole stadium started applauding seeing the two rivals enter. Both Rohan and Abhi walked and stopped right in front of each other. 

Rohan smirked at Abhi, "There's still time to back off Singh, why are you so adamant on embarrassing yourself in front of the whole collage".

"Don't worry about me Nanda, instead why don't you worry about yourself instead" Abhi said, "The bad boy of St Teresa is about to lose not only the football captaincy, but also his bad boy reputation to me".

"Nice dream" Rohan said sarcastically, "But unfortunately for you, this dream isn't going to become a reality". 

"We will see about that".

"Enough both of you" Coach said, interrupting Rohan and Abhi, "Get into your cars, and let's start this race".

Both Rohan and Abhi got into their respective cars and started their engines, preparing for the race, the race that will decide whose going to be St Teresa's football captain this year, something that is very important to both of them. 

"On your marks" Coach said, putting the red flag in the air, "Get set, go!".

As soon as the red flag went down, both Abhi and Rohan were off.

The race was intense and very close, during the first round of the race Abhi was ahead, angering Rohan. During the second round Rohan had managed to overtake Abhi.

Abhi kept trying to overtake, but Rohan kept coming in front of him, blocking him. During the third round, Abhi had manged to come neck to neck Rohan, during the whole third round both Rohan and Abhi were neck to neck, and when they both crossed the finishing line, none of them could tell who had crossed it first. 

Rohan ran up to coach, "Coach, who won?".

The Coach stood silent with a worried expression on his face.

"Coach say something, who won?" Abhi asked, losing his patience.

"You both need to see this" Coach said, handing Rohan a tablet, which had a slow motion recording of both the cars coming to the finish line.

Seeing the video, Rohan was shocked, "What the hell, how is this possible?".

"Give me that" Abhi said, snatching the tablet from Rohan's hand and watching the video, he was also left equally as shocked as Rohan, "What the hell!".

"Both the cars crossed the finish line at the same time" Coach explained.

"This is so bizarre, how is this possible" Rohan said, with anger.

"What does this mean?" Abhi asked, "Who gets the captaincy?".

"This means both of you will be sharing the football captaincy" said St Teresa's Dean Yogendra Vashishth.

"No way!" Both Abhi and Rohan said simultaneously.

"Either you both share the captaincy or someone else becomes captain".

Looking at each other both Abhi and Rohan realised, they would rather be captains together, then make someone else captain.

"Fine whatever, I'll share captaincy with Abhi" Rohan said, leaving.

Rivalry Over Love? ~ Varun & Alia ( ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now