Chapter 28: End Of Friendship?

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After Rhea threw such a huge bomb on him, Rajat didn't know what to do. Abhi was like a brother to him, his best friend who he relied on for anything and everything, how can the guy he looked up to at times be this wrong. 

Somewhere in his heart he hoped Rhea was lying, that she was trying to make him and Abhi fight for some stupid reason, but the other part also knew she might be right, he knew all along Abhi was hiding something from him, he just didn't think it was this big, there was only one way to find out. 


Abhi looked up from his laptop to see a furious Rajat standing at the door, "Whats wrong Rajat?".

"Is it true?".

Abhi looked at Rajat in confusion, not knowing what Rajat was talking about, "Whats true?".

"Did you make a bet on Shanaya's heart then lie to her by blaming it all on Rohan, and then when you saw Rohan and Shanaya together you announced a competition for her instead of just letting them be?".

Abhi looked at Rajat in shock, he never wanted Rajat to find out about that because he knows exactly what his reaction will be, "Who told you that?".

"Abhi just answer the damn question!".

"Rajat I...", Rajat observed Abhi's reaction carefully, if Rhea could tell what Rajat was feeling from his expressions, then Rajat could also tell Abhi's feelings from his facial expressions, and right now his hesitation and the worry on his face immediately told Rajat that whatever Rhea told him was right, and Abhi kept him in the dark this whole time.

"Oh my God Abhi", Rajat ran his hand through his hair in frustration, "Its the truth, everything Rhea told me was true". 

"Rhea told you all this?", Abhi was furious, there was only one question going around in his mind, why would Rhea bring Rajat into this?

"Yes Abhi, Rhea told me everything, things you kept from you dick!".

Abhi got up from the bed and faced Rajat, "Rajat I didn't tell you because I knew you would try to stop me".

"Fuck yeah I will Abhi, do you even realise what your doing?".

"I'm trying to win the girl I love".

"You want to win Shanaya by breaking her heart?".

Abhi looked at Rajat in confusion, "What?".

"Don't what me Abhi, do you not realise that Shanaya loves Rohan and if you separate them Shanaya will be heartbroken, she might even lose her belief in love Abhi, open your eyes and see how much damage you are causing not only to Shanaya but also to yourself".

"But I can heal her Rajat and Shanaya can heal me, I just need Rohan to leave both of our lives".

Rajat looked at Abhi in disbelief, the person in front of him wasn't his best friend, he was a crazy person, a person whose love is toxic for not only Shanaya but everyone around him, "Thats not how it works Abhi, I've seen Shanaya with Rohan and from even far I can tell how much Shanaya needs Rohan, Abhi take my advice and let go of her, if you love her be happy for her don't snatch her happiness from her, because if you let her be with Rohan then you will still have as your friend in your life but if you separate her from Rohan she will hate you forever, she will herself kick you out of her life". 

"I can't let go of Shanaya Rajat, I'm not as pathetic as you are who let Rhea go to Jeet!".

Rajat looked at Abhi shocked, he never talked to him like that, his love for Shanaya was driving him towards madness at this point, "Yes I let go of Rhea, not because I'm pathetic Abhi because I'm strong enough to let go of Rhea for her happiness, I love Rhea which is why her happiness is the most important thing for me, and if she's happy without me than I will gladly let her go, if anyone is pathetic right now its you, mark my words Abhi your stubbornness is going to cause you a hell lot of trouble in the future".

Rivalry Over Love? ~ Varun & Alia ( ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now