Chapter 12: We Are All Going To Thailand!

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"I'm so going to fail Rhea" Shanaya said, walking to the assembly hall, "There's no way I'm going to Thailand, my lifes ruined".

"Okay Shanaya, let's not overreact here, your not going to fail and your definitely going to Thailand, if anything I should be worried not you".

"I see we are overreacting once again" Rohan said, putting his arm around Rhea and Shanaya.

"Thank God your here, your the only one who can handle this paranoid queen" Rhea said, making Shanaya frown.

"I'm not always paranoid".

"Yes you are Shanaya" Jeet said, coming up to the other three. 

"I'm being realistic" Shanaya argued. 

"Shanaya listen to me" Rohan said, turning Shanaya to face him, "Your the smartest person in our group, maybe even the whole school, if anyone is going to Thailand, its going to be you".

"I don't want to go without you guys".

"Then pray to your Ganpati Bappa for us" Rohan teased. 

"See I should have gone to the temple this morning, this is all your fault Rohan" Shanaya said, slapping Rohan's shoulder.

"How is this my fault?" Rohan said, rubbing his shoulder. 

"Your the one who wanted to sleep in" Shanaya complained.

"You could of gone without him Shanaya" Jeet said.

"No!" Shanaya and Rohan yelled simultaneously, confusing Jeet and making Rhea roll her eyes.

"Don't question it" Rhea told a confused Jeet, "Now lets go and get out seats before the hall gets full".

The four friends went to the front of the hall and sat down in the first row, first was Jeet, then Rhea, followed by Rohan and Shanaya. 

"Is these two seat taken?" Abhi asked, coming to the front row with Rajat.

"Nope, all yours" Shanaya said smiling. 

"Thank you" Abhi said, sitting down with Rajat.

"So you excited?".

"I'm shitting my pants here Abhi" Shanaya replied, making Abhi laugh.

"You need to chill Singhania, whats the worst that can happen?" Rohan said.

"My life can get ruined".

"And the drama queen's drama has begun, may the odds be in our favour" Rohan said, making Shanaya slap his shoulder.

"Stop being so damn violent women" Rohan complained. 

"Stop teasing me then".

"Your being an ass Nanda" Abhi interrupted, "She's nervous and your not helping her".

"Who asked you to talk again?" Rohan asked, glaring at Abhi.

"Alright rivals come down" Rhea interrupted, knowing once Abhi and Rohan start they won't stop, "The assembly is starting".

"Students of St Teresa, welcome to this assembly, the assembly that will decide which sixteen people in here would be going to Thailand, I know you guys have other things to do, so I will get straight to it, if your name is called out please stand up" Dean said, "On 16th place we have Tanya Israni".

Tanya stood up blowing kisses to everyone around her.

"On 13th place we have Jeet Khurana".

Jeet opened his mouth in shock, he couldn't believe his ears. Rhea stood up screaming, "You did it Jeet!". Rhea's scream bought Jeet out of his trance, "I made it, holy shit I made it Rhea!", Jeet shouted hugging Rhea. "I'm so happy for you" Rhea said, smiling. "Congrats bro" Rohan said, doing a handshake with Jeet. "Thailand Jeet is coming for you!" Shanaya yelled, hugging him. "Hell yeah I am!".

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