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Park Jimin

"Alright, others can visit now" the doctor said

"Jungkook is ok, right doctor?"

"He's fine for now, it was just some damage towards his arm a little, the car seem to injure his Elbow. However don't worry, he'll recover after a few months"

"Thanks doc"

"No problem " he grinned

I didn't take a chance to smile back as I hurriedly walk into the emergency room. There he was... lying on the bed with equipments all over him. Needles were in him injecting medication. It was painful to see, he looked so weak.. Jungkook talking to his mother.


"Jungkook.." I held his hand as he held me as tight as he can get

Tears rolled down my eye, "I miss you..." Jungkook weakly said, I saw his mother heading out the room making a wave as she closed the door behind her

It broke my heart.. seeing him like this made my heart torture in pain

"I'm so sorry.. it's my fault.. I'm sorry.. I love you so much kookie.."

He wiped the tears rolling down my eye with his thumb, "Don't cry Baby.. it's not your fault..."

"Not of this would happen if I wasn't so dramatic"

"It's my fault.. maybe I should've known.."

"No it's not! It never will be!"

"I love you Baby.." he weakly rest his hand onto the bed again

"I love you too kookie.." I held tighter onto his grip

He smiled

"Jimin.. I'm tired..."

"Ok I'll let you rest.." I pecked his forehead as we both traded smiles to each other

"Sweet dreams kookie.." I whispered

I headed out the room, making sure I quietly shut the door

I slide down against the door as I tangled my fingers into my hair, suddenly, I heard crying coming from the other side. Worried, I opened the door, nothing. Jungkook was peacefully sleeping while he faced his back on me.

I can tell his body had little movements, 'I'm just hallucinating..'

I closed the door again as little sniffs was heard, it was some weird sounds, but I'm probably just really tired today..

I headed to my car and decided to take a rest at home. 'I'll just visit kookie, tomorrow'

For some reason, I felt like something wasn't right, but I just shrugged it off. Doing my average night routine, and finally heading to sleep.

The next day arrived, it was 9:00 a.m.

I quickly changed into my clothes, heading to the hospital. After what seems like hours, I finally arrived. I went into Jungkook's room to see that he was gone...

"Are you Park Jimin?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"Well, the patient told me to hand you this" she handed me a note

Dear Jimin,

       I'm sorry, I had to go to America. It's an emergency, and I would get the best treatment when I'm there. Just be sure to remind yourself everyday that I love you to the moon and back. Please wait for me.. I hope you won't forget me. I'm sorry if I'm so selfish of myself..


'Stupid Jungkook! He left me..'

River of tears streamed down my eye like a waterfall rushing down. I held onto the note tight and placed it close to my chest.

"Silly kookie.. I'll never forget you.. my heart will have a special place for you.. you joker.." I whispered as I bit my lips, I was alone in the room. Tears were visible from the sunlight shining in. I clutched onto the note, hard.

I wiped my tears and smiled, "I'm okay! I'm fine."

'The truth was.. I'm not

It would feel like I have no reason to live on..'

I walked out like everything was fine, running to my car as I started the engine. I turned on the car radio to try and cool off, it didn't help at all. It only made things worse. It made me remembered the fun times me and Jungkook had in the car. I was already starting to miss him, I couldn't bare the pang in my chest.

'He didn't even say goodbye... where's my goodbye kiss..?'

The truth was I probably couldn't live without thinking about him.. once. I sighed as I reached my destination, I looked over.. there it was. That house filled with memories where almost everything happened. I started to ache for his touch, I could barely focus. It was nearly impossible, everywhere reminded me of him. I hated this feeling, to be honest.. I didn't know why I even fell for him in the first place. All he did was leave me, again.. and again, and again.. it started to feel like a normal basis.

I still will hold on though, the amount of love for him was too much. Instead of hating him, I did the exact opposite.. I feel so stupid. I feel stupid for everything that happened between us, I needed him. I still remembered the promise I made. Forgetting Jungkook would never be a goal I would want to achieve. It'll never be in my agenda.

I decided to text him:

Baby 💕
Hey kookie
Are you okay??
Hello?? Please answer me..

Kookie 🐰
Not the time baby
I'm busy

Baby 💕


I pushed down onto the button as the screen blacked out. I sighed as I letted go of my phone, it gently dropped onto the soft mattress. I curled myself up, 'he's busy.. stop thinking about him...'

I sighed as I layer my hand on top of my eye, shielding the light source away from my visions. Clear teardrops went down my cheeks, 'I really need to stop crying..' I felt weak without him, I wanted my old self back..

The independent , strong, confident guy I used to be.. it felt like the whole world wanted to fight against me. The urge of crying was so strong that I don't think I can ever control it, I missed him dearly. It was clearly something I can never deny.

'I'll never forget about you Jungkook..'

'But will you?'


Thanks for all the votes and views 😖🙏🏻. I'm sorry I can't update lately, school is taking over 😑. Anyway.. love you ( as a friend ofc ) 💕🤡

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