Chapter 87 part 1-3

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Demi POV
A couple weeks pass. It's not the end of the tour yet but it's Halloween! I obviously took off for that. It also means CJ's first birthday passed in November 7. I had to miss it which I was very upset about but he won't remember it. These past couple of weeks have been rough. Colton and I haven't spoken except for me to talk to this kids. Paparazzi yell shit at me on the streets thinking they know everything. My fans have been really supportive though... They also think it's not true so I don't know what's gonna happen when and if the truth gets out. I just landed and am on my way home. I have three days off and then have to fly back out to my next location and these three days are all about Halloween and the kids. I get home and there's absolutely no decorations up which will change today. I walk in and it's empty. Colton's at work, Corey's at school and Kenzie and CJ are at my parents. I decide to go pick them up. They are so happy to see me and I'm happy to see them. We get home and I decide to watch a movie with them until Corey gets home. Colton won't get back till later tonight. I get a text from Colton right before Corey should be walking through the door. "Picked up the kids Halloween costumes last night. Upstairs in the closet. I'm on my way to the house." I don't respond. "Mama will be back." I say to both of them. I go upstairs and into the closet. Most of his clothes are gone. I ignore the emptiness and open the box with the kids Halloween costume. Corey is gonna be a baseball player. His little outfit is adorable. Kenzie is gonna be a Indian type thing. She has a head piece and everything which I think is cute. Then CJ probably won't go trick or treating but we got him a costume to chill in during the halloween party. He's gonna be a chocolate chip cookie and then Dallas' daughter Marley is only a month old is gonna wear a onesie that says Milk on it so they can be milk and cookies. "Mom!" I hear behind me. I turn around only to be tackled by Corey. "Hey bubby." I say hugging him tightly. "I missed you." "I missed you too." He says. I bend down and give him a kiss. "Want to see your Halloween costume?" He nods. Then we here the door open downstairs. "Dads home." Corey says. "Yeah... Cmon lets go." I say getting up. "We'll look at your costume later."


Demi POV
We go downstairs. "Hey dad." "Hey bud." They say as the hug. I look at CJ laying on the floor and then sitting up. I smile at him and he smiles at me. I don't realize Colton staring at me until I look at him, then he quickly looks away. "Kenzie, Corey, go clean your guys playroom please." "Why?" They whine. "Because I said so. Go." Colton says. They stomp off. "Mama..." CJ mumbles at my feet. I look at Colton. "He can talk?" "Kind of." Colton says walking past me and into the kitchen. I pick up CJ and follow him. "And how come I never knew this?" I ask. "Well you would if you were here." He says. Okay... That one hurt a little. "Well excuse me for having to work." "I work too." He says before getting a cup of water. "Where's all your stuff?" I ask changing the subject. I don't wanna hear what he has to say about me being a bad mother. I already feel bad enough that I missed his first birthday. "It's in my apartment." He says. "You think that's necessary?" "Yeah I do..." He says taking a sip of his water. "What did you tell the kids?" "I didn't tell them anything. I've been staying here. Now that your back I'll figure it out." "I'm only here for three days." "I know..." He says. "Okay... You don't... You don't want a divorce do you?" He looks at me and then down at his hands. "I don't know." He says. "Colton, you know I love you with all my heart... Why can't you just forgive me?" "It's not that easy. You lost my trust. And going back on the road after Halloween... I can't have myself worrying about you cheating on me... I just need a break... When it was the other way around you did the same thing to me." "So this is about getting even?" "No... It's about gaining my trust back... After the kids go to bed tonight I'm leaving and I'll be back to take Corey to school tomorrow morning." "Your not even gonna tell them?" "No... Not right now. There gonna be without there mother for another month, they don't need to be worrying about us breaking up too." "Your just trying to make me feel more bad about myself aren't you?" "What?" He asks confused. "The whole "you would of known if you were here," joke in the beginning of this conversation. It's not like I'm leaving them to go do drugs or something." "No. Just to make out with other guys and ruin what we've made these past few years." "Fuck you." I say before takin CJ out of his high chair and going into the music room. Whenever I'm stressed out like this I write like a maniac. I'll probably have seven new songs by the end of the night. It's what I do and it's what stops me from going back to hold habits. That and my kiddos.


Demi POV
"So let me love you..." I sing ending my new song. It's around eight o'clock. I've been working on music all night. I start to work on another song. I have the music all ready, just no lyrics. I may just keep it like that and do a piano solo like I did on my World Tour. Not sure yet. I hear a squeak and look back at the door opening. I look down at CJ on his hands and knees smiling at me. "Hey bubba. Come here." I say. He crawls to me and I pick him up. "Wanna hear mama play?" He sits back and leans his head against me. "I'm gonna take that as a yes." I lean up a little bit to get my hands on the keys and start to play. I play the music a couple times until he eventually falls asleep. I look down at him and move the hair out of his face. "I'm leaving..." Colton says walking in. He sees CJ. "Want me to take him to bed?" "Nope. I'll do it. It's the least I can do right." I say standing up making sure not to wake him. "Demi, I never intended on making you think that. You know your a great mother." "It really doesn't matter." I say as we walk into CJ's room. I lay him down and Colton says goodnight to him. "By the way..." I say before he walks downstairs. "At the halloween party tomorrow can we not bring up the fact that we're not together at the moment?" I say. He laughs. "So if I cheat on you your family's the first to know but if it's the other way around you wanna keep quiet?" "Nevermind..." I say turning around. "Wait... Why?" He asks. "Because the kids don't need to go through this and once my family finds out their not gonna stop bugging us about it. Nobody needs to know our business, whether we're broken up or not." I say. "We are." He says. "What?" We hear behind us. I look past Colton as he turns around. Corey's standing there in his pajamas. "What're you doing up?" Colton asks in a bad mood. "Your yelling woke me up." Corey says. "Get to bed." "Don't yell at him." I say as Corey walks up, hugging me from the side. "It's not his fault." I add. He rubs his face. "I know. Im sorry." He says bending down to Corey. "You guys are broke up?" "No..." Colton says. "We're just taking a break." "That's the same thing." Corey says. "No it's not. It's a disagreement. Not a break up... Got it?" Colton asks. Corey nods. "Good. Now get your butt to bed. You have school tomorrow." Corey goes back into his room. I look at Colton as he stands up. "Well I'm gonna get going to bed." I say turning around. We don't even say bye. I hear the door close downstairs. I look at the pictures on our nightstand, the empty closet showing from the door open... I look down at my hand. I go into the bathroom and open my jewelry chest. I open a box and put my wedding ring in it before jumping into the shower.


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