"Enough!" A voice called from the door and we all looked to see Aunt G. She looked tired, and disappointed.

"What has gotten into all of you? Do you even realize what you're doing?" She asked us. Nobody said anything.

She looked at Sebastian. "I think its best if you wait outside." She told him and without a word he left. Madelane was about to go after him, but Aunt G wasn't having it.

"Sit down Madelane." She told her in a hard voice. I swear I saw her shrink and then she reluctantly slumped on the couch.

Aunt G made her way towards me, inspecting my face. I felt something warm on my lip, no doubt blood. When she went to touch it, I flinched away.

"And where have you been all day?" She demanded.

"Nowhere important." I murmured as I sat next to J's bed, turning my back on both of them.

"I cannot believe all of you would stoop so low. Have you no respect? Fighting in front of my niece? Tell me, are you're problems more important than her life? If these were her last moments, if she were to die any second, would you all keep acting like children? Both of you, take you're problems outside because I will not tolerate this from either of you. You're both behaving like spoiled, little brats." She scolded at us, standing in between us with her arms crossed.


"Madelane, how is it that you talk with Sebastian and somewhat resolve you're problem with him, but when Tyler tries to you shut him up?"

"After what he did to me, he does not have the right to even direct a word in my way." She said coldly.

"You said the same about Sebastian. I suggest you act your age Madelane Stacy." Aunt G matched her coldness and I'm pretty sure Maddy flinched.

"And you, look at me when I'm talking to you!" Reluctantly, I stood and turned around to face her. "Jealousy will get you nowhere. Throwing a tantrum when life does not go the way you want it to will not solve anything, Tyler. Do you know how worried I have been? What if something had happened to you?" She told me, her eyes flashing with concern.

I lowered my head. "I'm sorry. Today is not the nicest of days for me." I mumbled.

"Like you're the only one who has it hard." Madelane mumbled.

Something inside of me snapped and I looked at her. "Madelane, don't talk without knowing what the hell is going on. Because if you did know, you woudint be treating me like shit right now. Yes, what I did was wrong, stupid and you can call me a monster all you want for it. If you want to compare me with my father then go ahead, because a year ago, on this day, he pushed the bottle of pills into my mothers hands and she downed every single last one of them. A year ago today, she left ogerdossed without giving two shits that she was leaving me behind. Ever since then, nobody has truly cared about me until Juniper showed up, until you showed up, until Sebastian and Aunt G came along. I dont want to loose that love, but I cannot handle someone being genuinely worried or interested in me. Its no excuse I know, but all I'm asking is that you try and see it from my point of view. I'm sorry, okay? I'm fucking sorry. So shut the hell up and let me fucking be as I am!" I said in a rush as the tears fell down, and my voice cracked.

I purposely fell down, my legs not being able to hold me any longer. Aunt G was by my side in an instant, comforting me.

"I just want to be a good guy, with a good life, I want to be strong. But lately my emotions have been making me weak." I managed to say, wiping my face angrily.

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