Beetlejuice X Lydia's Sister!Reader -Part 2- ❤️

Start from the beginning

"Lydia." She hissed. "He's a middle-aged man - is he perhaps one of dad's work colleagues?" Y/N asked, trying to find a logical explanation.

The man made a pained expression and winced.

Lydia looked from Y/N to the man, and back to Y/N. "No, Y/N, I-" Lydia thought of the best way to approach this. "He's dead."

Silence entailed. Perhaps that wasn't the best was to approach it.

"Lydia." Y/N whispered. "Are you on drugs?"

Lydia was taken aback. The man snorted back laughter.

"What- No!" She protested. "Beetlejuice, do the head-thingy."

Beetlejuice nodded and took his arm back from Lydia, reaching up to his head and detaching it. He held it up for a moment longer before putting it back.

"Enough proof for you?" Lydia retorted, crossing her arms.

Y/N's eyes were wider than Lydia had even seen them before. "Am I on drugs?" She whispered incredulously. She looked frantically between the two.

"Y/N, no." Lydia looked worriedly at her sister. "Please calm down."

"I-I-I." Y/N was hyperventilating. Really hyperventilating.

"Y/N, take deep breaths you're gonna pass out." Lydia took a step towards her sister and held onto her arm.

Too late.

Y/N slumped against Lydia. Lydia struggled under the weight of her older sister, looking over at Beetlejuice for help. Beetlejuice walked over to them and hooked one arm under Y/N's legs and the other around her back.

He studied her face for a second. She was very pleasant what she slept, Beetlejuice thought, less noise. He chuckled to himself before laying Y/N down on her bed.

"Well, she'll be out for a while," Beetlejuice said, turning to face Lydia.

Lydia sighed and wrapped her arms around herself. "That didn't quite go as I had planned." She looked utterly defeated.

Beetlejuice hated it. He looked from Lydia to Y/N's sleeping figure. He didn't really know what he would say to her, but Lydia needed her sister to keep her marbles intact.

"Hey, Lyds." He said stepping next to her and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Why don't you go to the store and get us some stuff to make a pie, everyone loves pie, right?"

Lydia looked up at him, her eyes pooling with tears. She thought about it for a second before nodding her head and walking out of the room.

Beetlejuice straightened up and ran a hand through his hair. What was he going to do? He usually drove people crazy, he'd never tried to prevent it before. He paced up and down next to the bed, one hand rubbing his chin and the other on his hip. He felt empty like he had run out of ideas - which of course, he had. He muttered half plans out loud, trying to see if he could put them together - he couldn't.

"Maybe if I- No, no that wouldn't work.." He went back to contemplating. His face lit up. "Oh, oh, maybe! No, that's no good." He frowned and buried his face in his hands. How had he screwed this up for Lydia already? This - was a new record.


Beetlejuice stopped pacing and looked to where Y/N was asleep. Well, she wasn't asleep anymore that's for sure.

"You done?" She questioned incredulously.

What a sight she was. She was sat up with her arms crossed against her chest. Her eyebrow was quirked. She looked a cross between pissed off and confusion. To be fair though, the confusion mostly came from the fact that she thought she should be afraid of Beetlejuice. Perhaps it was just the situation that worried Y/N. For some reason, she didn't think he was a bad person.

"Y/N?" He gulped, not knowing whether to sit next to her or keep his distance.

"Oh for fuck sake, Beetlejuice - isn't it?" Y/N scowled.

Beetlejuice nodded his head - his scared face was kind of adorable.

"Will you just come and sit down here?" She demanded, pointing to the spot at the end of the bed.

He stumbled forward, not really knowing what to do. Beetlejuice cleared his throat and perched uncomfortably at the end of the bed.

Y/N cast a pained look upon him. It's not that hard to sit on a bed-

"So..." Beetlejuice hummed awkwardly.

"So..." Y/N imitated. A small smirk played on her lips, "What about your great plans?"

Beetlejuice narrowed his eyes at her. "How long have you been awake?"

She shrugged and leaned back into the headboard. "People only pass out for a few minutes when they hyperventilate."

Beetlejuice nodded, "Humans are weird."

Y/N did the last thing Beetlejuice had expected; she chuckled.

"Well, you're not wrong." She scoffed and ran a hand through her hair. She hesitated before continuing, "Look, it's not... you know - sexual, with her right?"

Beetlejuice grimaced and held his arms out in front of him. "NO. God/Satan, no." He rubbed a hand over his flustered face and recoiled away from Y/N.

She let out a sigh of relief before reaching forward to grasp Beetlejuice's arm to stop him from standing up. He stopped fretting and looked up at Y/N.

"So you're dead?" She asked, looking at him intently.

He looked away from her piercing gaze and nodded.

"Okay, and does dad know about you?" She removed her hand

He shook his head, turning back to look at her face, "No, humans usually can't see the dead."

"Usually?" She raised her eyebrow.

He shrugged, "Some humans can, some can't. I don't really know the technical side of it."

Y/N nodded, taking in everything he was talking about.

"So what is the nature of your friendship with Lydia?" She had been gearing up to this question; curiosity was one hell of a drug.

He sighed, "Well," He began. "When she first got the house..."

Beetlejuice told Y/N all about the Maitlands and what happened with him and Lydia. Y/N stared daggers at him when he told her about the marriage thing, but he redeemed himself when he told her that he had saved Lydia from a few suicide attempts.

By the end of the conversation, Y/N was crying. She hadn't been there for her sister when she had really needed her; Beetlejuice was all the proof that she needed to prove that.

Y/N stood up and sat back down next to Beetlejuice. She turned to face him, her face tinted red from crying.

"Thank you." She said, reaching for his hand. When she had found it, she grasped it. She faced forward again and leaned her head onto his shoulder. "Thank you, so much."

Beetlejuice froze. He didn't quite know what to do. He had obviously been this close (and closer) to other women before, but with Y/N it felt - different. Charged? Yes, this intimate distance felt charged.

"Beej!" They heard Lydia call from the stairwell. When she rounded the corner, she stopped in her tracks. "Well this isn't what I had expected-"

When Y/N had laid her eyes on Lydia, she threw herself from the bed and knelt in front of her sister. Y/N wrapped her arms around Lydia's torso and pulled her against her chest. And for the first time since their mother died, Y/N sobbed.

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Beetlejuice X Male!Reader

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Beetlejuice X Abused!Reader -Part 4-

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