Beetlejuice X Shy!Reader ❤️

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Loneliness was a concept that Y/N was very much used to. Not having anyone to talk to or laugh with. Not having anyone to lean on when she was upset or stressed. She was used to being alone. She had learned to accept her invisibility, no matter how painful it was.

Y/N looked in the mirror and sighed. There's no point in putting makeup on if no body's going to look at me anyway. She put down her foundation blender and looked at herself in the mirror. How come she could see herself but others couldn't? How come no matter what she tried she was never noticed or paid attention to? She could probably walk into school naked and nobody would give her a second look. Not that she would ever even consider doing that though, mind you. Y/N L/N has become... afraid of people? No. Afraid isn't the word. Reclusive, perhaps? Yes, that fits her better. She has adapted to people ignoring her, so when someone does talk to her, she thinks its a joke or starts to have a panic attack. She's an involuntary introvert, and she didn't quite know how to stop being one.

"Y/N, honey, hurry up or you'll miss breakfast!" She heard her mum call.

She gave herself one more glance and made her way downstairs into the kitchen.

"Hey, baby." Her mum cooed, kissing her on the head.

"Morning, mum." She smiled and sat down at the table, pouring milk over her cereal.

Her mum's phone began to ring from her pocket. She fumbled for a minute, putting down her travel mug of coffee and breakfast muffin so she could grab her phone. When she had reached it, she raised an eyebrow at the number.

"Hello? Yes, this is Miss L/N. Oh, really? No, no that's fine. Yes, yes, thank you for calling. You too, goodbye." She put the phone down and looked at Y/N. "Teacher strike." She said simply. "Looks like you have the house to yourself today."

Y/N looked at her in confusion. "Don't they usually plan these things in advance?"

"Spontaneous teacher strike?" They both shrugged their shoulders and Y/N's mum walked over to her. "I've got to go to work now, baby. I'll be home at the usual time." She kisses her on her forehead. "I love you." 

"Love you too, mum." Y/N smiled, waving as she watched her leave.

As soon as she heard the door shut she frowned. What am I gonna do today... It was a Friday, so that meant that she was going to have a long weekend, and she was pumped. When Y/N had finished shoveling her breakfast down her throat, she ran upstairs and change out of her uniform and into some comfy clothes. She gathered her notebook, pencil case and the book that she was currently reading and shoved it all in her backpack. On her way out of the house, she grabbed a granola bar and a banana just in case she got hungry. She opened her front door and grinned. The view from the front of the was incredible. Woodland, as far as the eye could see; it was breathtaking.

Being ignored isn't all bad. Y/N has learned to depend on herself. She does everything on her own; she always has. She is very self-reliant and resourceful; two very important traits when you decide to traipse into the woods alone. There was one place in particular that she loved to explore. The Maitlands' abandoned old house in the middle of the woods. It was long forgotten about, so Y/N had the run of it. She had stumbled upon it when she had first explored the area; a discovery that would alter her life forever. Y/N fell in love with the house almost immediately. Luckily she had been carrying a flashlight, so she was able to properly explore it. She loved how vintage it was. Untouched since 1990, yet everything remained. Here stood an old house, in all its antiquity, almost perfectly intact. Y/N had made it her goal - no mission- to give the house some life again. She started by clearing out the leaves and cutting the ivy that had crept its way up the side of the house. She dusted and wiped and mopped; scrubbed and scoured and polished, until the house was as good as new. She visited every weekend and every day after school. She hung up fairy lights and lit candles when it was dark or rainy. She stocked the cupboards with cans of food and confectionary items. She even kept a cooler with some ice cream in and a campfire stove to heat up food. She had made the Maitlands' house a home again. It didn't take her long to realize that she wasn't alone. Barbara and Adam came back from the Netherworld three months into Y/N fixing up the house. Barbara was near tears at how clean the house was. She ran around getting a look at all of the rooms until she -quite literally- ran into Y/N. Y/N was understandably spooked, but that was more because she hadn't brushed up on her social skills for a while and she had to talk to her. She was a babbling, stuttering mess until Barbara sat her down and explained everything. Turns out, Y/N isn't afraid to talk to dead people. Who would've guessed? Barbara then introduced her to Adam and of course, Beetlejuice, who was still stuck with the Maitlands. Over the next six or so months, they explained their history, and how they are all pretty much condemned to haunt the house forever. After the Deetz's eventually moved out, they kept the house. They had a family emergency and had to move closer to Lydia's grandparents, but they didn't sell the house so the Maitland's could live there undisturbed. Unfortunately, they didn't realize just how lonely it would be, so they spent most of the time in the Netherworld. Well, that was until Y/N came along.

Y/N grinned as the house came into sight; it would never cease to take her breath away. She bounded to the front door, but just as she was about to unlock it, it opened for her.

"Madame, L/N~" Said a deep, rough voice.

Y/N giggled and looked at the man holding open the door. Beetlejuice stood with one had on the door handle and the other in front of his, bowing.

"May I take your coat? Or better yet - all of your clothes~" He wiggled his eyebrow, suggestively, leading her in with his arm.

She blushed furiously and looked down. Always a sexual undertone with Beetlejuice. You could ask him if he wants orange juice and he'll get a boner. She walked through the door and made her way into the lounge, Beetlejuice trailing behind her.

"So Y/N, babes, what have you got planned for today." He asked, plopping himself down on the couch.

She pottered around the lounge turning on the portable heaters and fairy lights, iluminating the room. "Well, I was thinking of reading for a little but. I left off on a cliff hanger and I can't stop thinking about it." She smiled sweetly, pulling the book out of her bag and snuggling up on her reading chair. "Oh, Beej, I forgot, would you mind grabbing me my reading glasses? They're on the coffee table."

Beetlejuice leaned over and grabbed her glasses.

"I left them here when I came over last, I get a major headache when I read without them."

He reached over and passed them to Y/N. "What are you reading, anyway?" He asked curiously, looking over her shoulder.

Her eyes lit up the way the do when she's about to chew your ear off about something she loves. She began to explain, her shyness and social anxiety slowly subsiding more and more with every word. She talked about the plot, the characters, the motivations that drove the characters to their goals and the determination that enabled them to achieve them. When Y/N spoke about books, she felt as if she could never say enough. Y/N spoke as if her life depended on it. It was like she was showing whoever she was speaking to a part of her soul. A part that was so delicate and fragile; yet so vibrant and enthusiastic. When she spoke about books, her worries and insecurities dissipated; temporarily disabled by her sudden adrenaline rush.

This mesmerized Beetlejuice. He had never met anyone so infatuated by anything in his whole 600 years of living- well- not really living- existing, perhaps? He was totally and utterly enamoured. He was hyper-sensitive when she spoke so freely. He noticed everything about her. The way she laughed, her hand gestures, her thoughtful expressions, the way she would gaze into his eyes as she explained something. He- for the first time in his life- had fallen in love.

When Y/N had finished, Beetlejuice patted the seat next to him. "Could it to me?" He asked sheepishly.

She blushed, coming down from her adrenaline rush. "Uh, yes! O-Of course!" She got up and sat next to Beetlejuice, resting the book in her lap and adjusting her reading glasses. She cleared her throat and began. Her voice soothed Beetlejuice. Gently chipping away at his conciseness; lulling him into a peaceful sleep. It wasn't that Y/N was boring, no, it was far from that. She was relaxing. Her voice, her appearance; her mear presence eased Beetlejuice's tense muscles. They had a lot in common. They were alone, ignored, invisible. They found solace in each other's company. They felt like they finally belonged somewhere; meant something to someone.

Beetlejuice's head dropped onto Y/N's shoulder. Her eyes widened and she blushed. After a few minutes, she made the conclusion that Beetlejuice was actually asleep and that he wasn't faking it this time (don't ask). She reached next to her on the arm of the sofa, carefully, and unfolded a blanket. She spread it over herself and Beetlejuice and placed her book and reading glasses on the coffee table.

"Sleep tight, Beej." She smiled softly, kissing him on the cheek and resting her head on his.

Turns out Y/N's is especially confident around sleeping, dead people.

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