Beetlejuice X Abused!Reader -Part 3- ❤️

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"B/N!" Y/N called, setting the table for breakfast.

She heard the footsteps of the 4-year-old slapping against the oak floor. This made Y/N smile. B/N sped around the corner, narrowly missing the corner of a cabinet.

"I'm ready, Y/N!" He panted, placing his hands on his knees. He was far from ready. His shirt was buttoned up wrong, his shoes were on the wrong feet, and his pants were inside out.

"B-" Y/N began.

"B/N!" A voice sounded, quickly followed by hurrying footsteps on the stairs.

Y/N's muscled tensed. She hated shouting; it brought her right back to her father. It made her feel like he was still here like he could storm through the doorway any minute...

The man who emerged wasn't her father, it was Beetlejuice. Or, Lawrence, rather. That's what his work colleagues call him. He had started work a few months after Y/N's father was found dead. Suicide. That's what the police decided on. Completly off of the mark, but hey, small-town police departments aren't all that great. Y/N decided that she would no longer put B/N in danger by having that monster around. Y/N and Beetlejuice planned to kill him when she turned 18, so she would still have custody over B/N- or have a fighting chance at least. She won the custody battle, though, thank god. Since the siblings didn't have any living relatives willing to take B/N on, it was a battle of Y/N against the system, and since the system is full as it is, the court decided that B/N would be better off in Y/N's care. Not long after her father's death, Y/N and Beetlejuice got married. This way, Y/N could go to university to continue education and Beetlejuice could go to work to bring in money to cover basic living allowances and the bills. B/N started primary school about 2 weeks ago, this made it a lot easier on Y/N and Beetlejuice. Y/N could spend more time during the day at university and Beetlejuice could work longer shifts.

"B/N!" Beetlejuice raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms. "I told you to let me help you."

B/N looked down into his cereal filled bowl. "I know, Beetlejuice, I'm sowy..."

Beetlejuice sighed and walked over to B/N kneeling in beside his chair. "Come er' buddy." He said, reaching out his arms for B/N to climb into.

B/N looked up at Beetlejuice and sniffled. He climbed off of the chair and into Beetlejuice's arms.

"You don't need to be sad, bud, I'm not mad." Beetlejuice smiled, hugging the child into his chest. He felt B/N nod and gave him a pat on the back. "Now," Beetlejuice said, pulling away from B/N. "How about we get you fixed up, ay'?" He smiled, booping B/N's nose.

B/N grinned and nodded, holding out his arms for Beetlejuice to start unbuttoning his shirt.

Y/N smiled sweetly at the sight. She never imagined that she would ever be happy. Her sole purpose in life was to protect B/N, but she doesn't have to do that alone now. She finally had a loving family and she couldn't be happier. She looked up at the clock and mentally cursed herself. She cleared her throat, getting the attention of Beetlejuice and B/N. Her smiled widened at the sight of their two adorable, attentive faces focused on her.

"I hate to break up the bro-fest, but we needed to be gone like 3 minutes ago." She narrowed her eyes and they all made eye contact with one another as if on cue, they all began to rush crazily. Y/N ran to the toast and buttered it, placing it on the side and running into the living room to grab B/N's bag.

"We're ready, Y/N!" Beetlejuice called, buttoning up B/N's last button.

"Coming!" She replied, reaching the bag and yanking it onto her shoulder and racing back into the kitchen.

"Wheres B/N?" Y/N asked, handing Beetlejuice a piece of toast.

"I told him to go to the car and get strapped i-" Beetlejuice was interrupted by a loud smashing sound.

Y/N's heart leaped in her chest. She flung her arms in front of her to protect herself, shrinking back and scrunching her face up. She began to shake, violently, muttering incoherent apologies.

"Y/N!" Beetlejuice exclaimed, dropping his briefcase and racing over to her. "Babes, it's okay. Shhhh- Y/N, you're safe, he'll never hurt you again," He slowly reached his arms out to envelope her shaking form. "Shh.." He held her in his arms, his hand cupped behind her head. "He's rotting in hell, love, I made sure of that."

Y/N's shaking slowly began to subside and she clung harder to Beetlejuice.

"Beej, Beej, Beej..." She repeated as if to solidify his existence.

"I'm here, love." He patted her back and kissed the top of her head.

After a minute or two, B/N had grown bored of waiting. "I'm gonna be late!" An impatient voice called from the garage.

Beetlejuice chuckled at this and Y/N soon joined in. She took a deep breath and pulled away from Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice took this as a sign of her being over the worst of it and stood up, extending his hand to her.

"Beter get him to school before we get noise complaints...again." He wiggled his eyebrows and he hauled her up from the ground.

When Y/N was up off of the floor she was blushing. She lightly smacked his chest and rolled her eyes. "Shut up.." Y/N picked up her keys, B/N's bag and a piece of toast for him.

"Coming?" She asked, standing at the kitchen doorway waiting for him.

"I sure am." She replied, picking up his briefcase and joining her. When they met, Beetlejuice gently held her arm. She pressed his lips to hers sweetly. "Please call me if you need me, you have my number and the offices number if I don't answer."

She nodded, grinning at his loving actions.

"Now then." Beetlejuice adjusted his tie. "Let's get B/N to school before he tells his teacher that it was our fault he was late." He chuckled, rolling his eyes.

It was only week 2 of B/N being at school, but Beetlejuice and Y/N had already been in because B/N blamed them for him not doing his homework (Who knew that foundations even had homework? They're like four for crying out loud!).

"Yeah, we should probably get going." Y/N giggled, following Beetlejuice out of the house. She cast the inside of the house one last glance before she shut and locked the door.

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