Beetlejuice X Lydia's Sister!Reader ❤️

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(A/N: So the Lydia's sister!Reader chapter got the most votes!)

The circumstances leading to the Deetz's purchasing the Maitlands' house were tragic. A woman taken too soon. A mother of two wonderful and heartbroken children, and wife to a cold, businessman who refused to process his feelings. Lydia Deetz had always had an inbuilt support system. She would whisper her troubles into her mother's attentive ear. She would hold her sister close to her when she couldn't form her pain into words. She never felt alone. But everything changed when Emily Deetz died. When she died, a part of Lydia died with her.

Lydia's sister Y/N went to a boarding school; she didn't attend the funeral. Lydia spent the next year hating her sister for not coming, but it was difficult to hate the only person you had left. Y/N Deetz dealt with her grief by keeping herself as busy as possible. She studied, she worked, she tutored; she did everything she could to keep her mind occupied. This, of course, meant that she didn't have much time to talk to Lydia. Hearing her voice reminded Y/N of her mother. She missed her sister more than anything, but Y/N couldn't handle the emotions that ensued when she talked to her. Having not properly processed her emotions, every reminder of her mother sent her towards a downward spiral.

Y/N hadn't spoken to Lydia in over 5 months when she finally got a call from her father. He told her that Lydia was acting strangely, and as her sister, it was her job to help her. Y/N decided not to point out that he was Lydia's father and it was, in fact, his responsibility to help her. She hesitantly agreed to come to their new house on the upcoming holiday.

The holiday came sooner than Y/N had expected. It was the day before she was supposed to travel to meet her family when she contemplated calling and canceling. She knew that she was being selfish, but grief was one hell of a motherfucker - especially when you had spent so long burying it. Y/N switched off her phone and started packing, tears threatening to fall with every item she threw into the bag. She had to keep telling herself that it was for her sister. She was Lydia's big sister and she had to start acting like it. Wiping the escaping tears furiously from her cheek, Y/N threw herself onto the bed. She pulled the pillow up to her face to muffle her sobs - she had to get it all out before she saw Lydia.

Lydia's POV

"She's incredible, Beej." Lydia marveled.

When her father told her that Y/N was coming to visit, she decided that she would try to put the whole funeral thing behind her and try to enjoy her sister's stay - god knows when she would next see her.

"So you say, Lyds." Beetlejuice scoffed, crossing his arms.

Lydia frowned. "Beetlejuice, we've been over this." She came to sit beside him on her bed. "She was grieving."

Beetlejuice rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and so were you-"

"Please, Beej, I don't know when I'll see her next - don't scare her away." Lydia adverted her eyes from Beetlejuice's piercing gaze. She lifted her hand to rub her eyes; she didn't want him to see her cry.

Beetlejuice looked away and sighed. "Listen, Lyds, I'll leave her alone as long as she doesn't cause you any more pain." He patted her shoulder. "I doubt she'll be able to see me anyway."

Lydia wiped her cheek and sniffled. "Oh, she'll see you - trust me."


The morning was a painful, anxious blur. She heard her alarm, forced herself out of bed, grabbed her bag and hauled ass to the train station. Her train carriage was pretty much dead (exempting the stewards that came in to check on her every so often). She pulled a book out of her bag and ran her fingers over the cover. Books were always comforting to her. A little bit of happiness that you could bring with you where ever you go. Pocket portals. However, her thoughts were too muddled to be able to focus on reading. Her mind was filled with Lydia. Her face, her voice. She hadn't realized how much she had missed her sister. She was too busy to think of her much before. She didn't know what she was coming home to. The last time she had seen her family, she had a mother. She didn't know how homely it would feel without her; Y/N guessed not very.

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