Beetlejuice X Pregnant!Reader -Part 2- ❤️

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"Beeej~" Y/N whined, spreading out on the couch.

Beetlejuice was next to her in an instant. "Yes, love?" He asked, looking down at her in concern.

"We're hungryyyy." She whined, again, being overly dramatic about it.

Beetlejuice grinned. He loved it when she said 'we' or 'we're'. He never thought that he would have the chance to have a kid, now look at him. A beautiful fiance - a human that could actually see him -, a baby on the way, things couldn't possibly be better. For the first time in a long time, he was excited about the future. Y/N however, was for the most part terrified. She was 16 and pregnant with a ghost's baby. To make it worse for her, her family had no idea. Heck, he doubted that they would even believe her; they'd probably have her committed if she told them that.

"What are you two feeling like today? Pickles and peanut butter? Saltines and jam? Ketchup and dorito-"

"Ice cream and sweet chili sauce." She said with her hand on her stomach, like the baby was whispering what it wanted to her.

He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Coming right up." He grinned down at Y/N's growing baby bump. He rushed off to the kitchen to get her the odd combination of food.

She smiled sweetly after him. She was so fucking scared. She had this innate ability to compartmentalize her stresses and worries; that was what she was doing with the baby. She wore baggy jumpers to hide her bump. Luckily it was winter, so it was pretty inconspicuous. Y/N's family had no idea that she was 14 weeks pregnant and she was terrified to tell them. Only her, Beetlejuice, Barbara and Adam knew. It was about that time that she had to have her first baby scan, and she was terrified. What if the hospital told her parents? Would she have to tell them before? A hand on her shoulder stopped her internal panic.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" It was Adam. He walked around to the front of the sofa and sat next to her. "You look worried." He smiled, trying to relax her a little.

"I-Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled, snapping out of her trance of negativity. "I'm just scared about the baby. Am I going to be a good mother? I'm only 16. What will my parents think? Will they believe me? Will the baby even be human? I have to have a scan soon, but I'm terrified. What if they tell my parents? I-I-"

"Y/N." Adam interrupted, taking her hands to stop them from waving around, madly. "It's natural to be worried. Especially in your situation. But this-" He motioned to her swollen stomach. "Is a blessing, Y/N." He smiled, when he looked back up at her she had tears in her eyes.

"Oh, Adam, you're right." She nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Whatever happens, I'll always have the baby." She smiled to herself and held up her left hand. "And my soon-to-be husband."

Adam sighed and rolled his eyes. "I still don't know what you see in him."

She chuckled. "He's been so great, Adam." She leaned over to grab something over the coffee table. Adam held her arm to support her.

She held up a little baby grow. "Beetlejuice got it for them! Look how cute this is Adam!" She grinned, feeling a wave of love crash over her.

"Stole it you mean." His face contorted in obvious disdain for Beetlejuice.

Y/N frowned and dropped her hands into her lap. "Adam, please don't start. He's changing, okay? He's such an amazing person- er, ghost- demon?" She sighed, getting lost in thought. "He deserves a second chance, Adam. Please give him one?" She looked at him pleadingly. "For me?"

He tried to look away from her puppy eyes but ultimately failed, his resolve failing quickly. "I- uh- fine." He sighed, giving Y/N  half-smile and putting his hand on her knee. "Alright kiddo, I gotta go, call me if you two need anything." He smiled motioning to her stomach.

She grinned at him and gave him a small wave goodbye.

Not a minute Later, Beetlejuice came back into the room, handing her her weird concoction of food. "Here you go, babes, ~"

"How long were you listening for?" She asked, putting a spoonful of it into her mouth.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, faking confusion.

"Beej, I wasn't born yesterday. It doesn't take fifteen minutes to take ice cream out of the freezer and grab some sauce." She smirked, knowingly, eating another spoonful.

He sighed and leaned back on the sofa. " Fine, yeah, I was listening."

"Eavesdropping." Y/N added teasingly.

"I- No- Well, kinda." He rubbed the back of his neck, nervously. "Are you really that worried about the baby?" He looked at her, sadly.

"Yeah..." She looked down at the stomach. She did't resent that child- no, far from that. She was worried that her parents wouldn't accept it. And that they'd make her leave or even worse, abort it... No. They wouldn't do that, but the possibility was still creeping up on her.

"Babes, look at me." He put his finger under her chin and lifted her head. "We can do this." He stared affectionately down at her stomach. "And when we're married, I'll be human, and we can be a real family."

Y/N took a deep breath, placing a hand on her growing stomach. "I need to have a baby scan soon, like, within the week. I'm nervous about the hospital telling my parents..."

"Telling them would make it eas-"

"No, Beej." Y/N said looking down. "I can't tell them I'm pregnant with a ghost's baby. And I can't tell them that I don't know who the father is, they won't believe me." She sighed, looking away from Beetlejuice.

"Well, when I'm huma-"

"They'll what? Be okay with a middle-aged man impregnating me?" She chuckled, though there wasn't a hint of humor in her voice. "They'd have me on house arrest and you- well, under actual arrest."

Beetlejuice looked down. "Y/N. Do you even want the baby?" His voice was grave; he never thought that he'd have to ask her this question.

Her eyes widened and she whipped her head up to look at Beetlejuice.

"What? No- Beej- Of course, I want this baby! Our baby!" She looked offended, rubbing her stomach furiously. "I love them so much already that it hurts. I'm worried because I want the best for them, I think that's what being a mum is about."

Beetlejuice looked up his eyes a little teary. He wiped them and sniffed, trying to make it seem like he was fine. "Right, I-I was just checking." He shook his head like he was trying to get all of the doubt out of it, standing up and walking towards the house phone. "Shall we call and book an appointment?"

She looked at him and smiled, making her way off of the sofa and doing a sort of waddle towards him, her hand resting on her stomach. Beetlejuice loved seeing her like this; knowing that he was the one that did this to her. She was his, and the baby in her stomach was his too.

"Yes." She smiled when she had reached him. She picked up the phone and dialed the hospital. It rang a few times before picking up.

"Uh, hello? Yes, hi. Um, I was just calling to make an appointment? Yes, I'm pregnant- 14 weeks, yes. Y/N L/N. Yes, I'm 16. No, I um... I was wondering if you could, you know, not tell my parents?" There was a pause, that made Beetlejuice worry she was just 'Uh-humming' and nodding. A wave of relief washed over Y/N face, instantly relaxing Beetlejuice. "Um, yes Tuesday would be perfect. Thank you." She put down the phone and sighed in relief.

"See? That wasn't so ba-" Beetlejuice was cut off by Y/N throwing her arms around his neck. "We really can do this, can't we, Beej?"

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