Beetlejuice X Lost!Reader ❤️

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WARNINGS: Mentions of mental health, weight loss, and body hate.

Life felt like it was going in slow motion. It felt like a plane of reality that she couldn't quite grasp; a game she couldn't figure out how to play. And not for lack of trying, mind you. She tried to enjoy it relentlessly; all she got in return were anxiety and depression, with a side of low self-esteem and a dash of body dysmorphia. But hey-ho. "That's life.", Y/N would repeat every time she was reminded of her disconnect with reality. Which, was pretty much every other day. She was dully aware that this wasn't normal, but she felt too dazed to do anything about it. She felt like she was milling through life; not taking anything in, not getting anywhere. She felt like she was surviving, not living. She often reminisced about her childhood. She had best friends and she knew who she was, what she wanted. She felt strong, she didn't care about what she ate, or how much physical activity she did that day. Now she felt like a shell of a human; an empty husk; she'd go as far to say a single, lonely piece of tumbleweed in an empty, barren desert. Above all, she felt like an alien in her skin. She felt like it was too big here and too small here. She wanted to tone up, lose some fat, but saying she had zero motivation wouldn't even begin to express how empty her motivational pit was. As you can guess, explaining this to people was like trying to ask a brick wall to move; futile. All she'd get was, "Oh, hunny! Just stick to it, you'll eventually get used to it!" "Oh, Y/N. It's not that hard." "Just do it, you just have to do a bit of running...". Y/N had heard it all. She had heard it from her parents, her friends, her family, and pretty much every stranger that she tried to explain it too.  The futility of trying to get people to understand her issues began to really piss her off, so she eventually just stopped telling people about it. No one asked about it again; this spoke lengths to her. Once she made the realization that nobody actually cares, she was able to lose hope of ever getting help. She fell into a deep depression, she felt completely powerless over her life, she didn't see a point in trying. What little motivation she could have mustered up had died, and her will to do anything was following suit. Y/N didn't want to live. Not until Beetlejuice came into her life. She often thought of him as her guardian angel. He came at just the right moment. Another day and Y/N didn't know if she'd ever get out of bed again. Right from the get-go, Beetlejuice knew that something was up with Y/N. She was like a social recluse, she had the energy of an introvert with the soul of an extrovert. It took him a while, but he eventually broke down her walls. He made her realize that she could be loved, even if she didn't love herself. He had taught her one of the most important lessons of her life, even if he didn't know it yet.

"Y/N!" Beetlejuice called from the kitchen. "YOUR DAD JUST LEFT, SO I'M MAKING YOUR BREAKFAST. BE READY IN 5, 'KAY, BABES?"

Y/N grumbled in response, she didn't feel like living today. It had been a little while since she had had a 'nothing' day. 'Nothing' days were the days that Y/N felt numb. She felt like she had regressed to her past self; a husk. She'd lay in bed, contemplating her existence and procrastinating about everything she feels she should be doing. Her brain tells her that she should be exercising, she should be eating healthier, she should be trying to make friends- just basically that she should be doing more than she is.

"Y/N!-" Beetlejuice walked into her room holding a breakfast tray filled with an eclectic selection of food. He frowned and placed down the tray on her bedside table. "You okay, babes?"

Beetlejuice had learned to see the signs of Y/N's decline. And he had. Over the past week or so her system had been slowly failing. She grew more tired, more distant, more disconnected. It worried Beetlejuice, every time. He worried that one day she may never reconnect. But as long as he was with her, he would pick up the pieces of her broken soul.

"No." She murmured the covers muffling her voice.

Beetlejuice sighed and picked up Y/N's phone. He dialed the school's number and cleared his throat, preparing to imitate Y/N's dad's voice. Beetlejuice heard a shrill voice say hello, and he began to spin his web of deception.

"Yes, hello, this is Y/N L/N's father. Yes... No, she doesn't feel great today- Yes, stomach ache. No, no that's fine. Yeah, I'm not sure how long it'll last so I'll keep the school posted? Okay, yes. Thank you, bye." He sighed when the call had ended, rubbing his throat. "Your dad's voice is so hard to do."

He looked over at her bed. Somewhere beneath the mountain of blankets, laid Y/N. Shivering, despite her current position. It wasn't her skin that was cold, it was her soul. He made his way over to her bed and sat down.

"Y/N?" He said softly, laying a hand on what he could only assume was her arm. She didn't reply so he began to shake her. "You still alive, kid?" He said, half-joking, half-panicking.

"Beej, will you stop shaking my boob." She said simply, beginning to emerge from her cocoon of safety.

He yelped and whipped his hand away. "S-Sorry, kid." He stuttered. Beetlejuice was usually perverted, but when it came to Y/N, he cared too much about her to defile her.

When she had gotten rid of the blankets from on top of her, she shimmied to the edge of the bed to join Beetlejuice. She looked up at him and hugged his arm.

"I feel everything and nothing right now, Beej." She leaned her head on his shoulder, staring into the distance.

He sighed and looked down at her. "I know, kid, I know." He pulled his arm from her grip and wrapped it around her shoulder, pulling her into his side. "But you know that I've always got you, right?"

She smiled sadly. "Yeah..." She looked up at him, meeting his eyes. "Why exactly do you do it?"

Beetlejuice furrowed his eyebrows. "Do what?" He asked in confusion.

"Deal with me. Put up with me. Care about m-" He silenced her by putting a hand against her cheek.

"You're a little lost right now, Y/N, but one day you'll see the light in the world. You, Y/N are the light in my world." He smiled down at her, caressing her cheek. "I'm gonna help you find your way, kid. You and me against the world. Forever and-"

"Always." Y/N finished, smiling up at him. Beetlejuice's heart rate spiked. He felt so much affection for this young woman it was insane. He felt like his heart was about to explode. In the midst of his internal panic, he hadn't noticed Y/N leaning up towards him. Only when she pressed her lips against his, did he feel an instantaneous calmness wash over him. His eyes were wide, and she was frozen with shock for a few seconds. Y/N pulled away in concern.

"D-Do you not, want to kiss me?" She asked nervously, studying his face. By kissing him, she was going against everything her thoughts were screaming at her. "He won't love you!" "You're too disgusting to be happy!" "Just go back to bed, Y/N." 

"What?? NO!- I-I mean..." He paused to catch his breath, his heart was beating like he had just ran a mile; apparently his lungs hadn't gotten the memo. "Y/N, you are the most incredible human I have ever met. You have so much life in you, kid. I love that about you- I love you, Y/N. I have for a long time. We've known each other for what- a year now? Two? I've wanted to kiss you for so long, I just never thought that you felt the same way."

Through all of this, her eyes never left his; they only became teary. Beetlejuice smiled at her and wiped her tear-streaked cheek, pulling her face closer to his. Their lips met, but this time it grew more intense. Beetlejuice pulled Y/N onto his lap, one hand wrapped around her waist, the other supporting her back.

"I love you~" She gasped, breaking the kiss to catch her breath. Instead of kissing again, they held each other. Y/N straddling his hips and laying her head in the crook of his neck. Beetlejuice held her close in a protective embrace.

He knew that she still had a long road ahead of her. He had been planning something special for Y/N. Something to help her find herself again. He knew that now was the time to put his plan into action.

(A/N: Sorry for the long wait guys! I had an exam today, and I've been studying like hell for the past week. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

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