Beetlejuice X Badass!Reader ❤️

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Y/N yawned, stretching her arms above her. She got up and walked over to her vanity, wiping her face and doing her makeup. Perfectly winged eyeliner, dark, dusky rose lipstick, her hair pulled over her shoulders, framing her face. She gave herself a once over and nodded approvingly. Now for the clothes.

(You don't have to use these clothes, I just thought it would be easier

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(You don't have to use these clothes, I just thought it would be easier. You can Imagine Y/N is whatever you want :))

She checked herself out in the mirror, looking from every angle. Once she was satisfied she made her way downstairs to grab some breakfast.

"Hmm, what should I have today..?" She looked in all of the cupboards until she glanced at the clock. "Shit." She spat, sighing and grabbing a banana on the way out.

She ran to the door, throwing it open and slamming it behind her. She put in her earphones, shoving her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket, beginning her walk to school.

Pros of having earphones in include: Drowning out background noise, people are less inclined to talk to you. Cons of having earphones in include: You can't hear when the people you actually like want to speak to you.

"Y/N!" She heard a voice call from behind her. She furrowed her eyebrows and turned. She was met by the sight of Lydia and BJ.

"Oh hey, guys!" She grinned, stuffing her earphones into her pocket.

"Oh finally, We thought you had gone deaf." Beetlejuice rolled his eyes.

"Nice to see you to babes~" She smirked seductively, mimicking his usual line.

He averted his eyes, the tips of his ears heating up.

"Okay, okay, jeez, stop with the sexual tension before I lose my breakfast." Lydia rolled her eyes playfully and fake gaged.

"Lydia!" Beetlejuice whisper yelled, turning to her.

Y/N just laughed. Beetlejuice glanced at Y/N as she was laughing. He loved her laugh. It was a beautiful sound. A sound that he could listen to forever. He'd totally make a Spotify playlist out of her laugh.

"You good, Beej?" Y/N asked, wondering why he was staring at her like a dope.

"Uh, yeah." He coughed and followed Lydia into school.

Y/N followed suit and soon they split into different classes. Beetlejuice and Lydia went into English and Y/N went into maths.

Lydia and Y/N were the only people in school that could see Beetlejuice so he usually came with Lydia. When he got bored with the lesson he was in with Lydia he usually came to find Y/N and pester her. That's exactly what happened today. Beetlejuice wandered through the halls, looking from classroom to classroom, keeping an eye out for Y/N. He rounded a corner and stopped abruptly.

"Hey." Y/N said simply, standing behind a guy. Beetlejuice knew him. Eveyone did. He was a class A jerk. He was towering over a smaller guy but turned to meet Y/N immediately after the words left her mouth. "What the fuck are you doing?" She stared daggers at him, her words dripping with resentment. Y/N hated bullies.

"Excuse me?" The guy said, looking her up and down. After he had decided that she wasn't a threat, he scoffed. "This is none of your concern."

Y/N looked at the poor terrified kid on the floor. "What did he do to you, huh?" She scolded, crossing her arms.

The guy turned back towards her. "Hey, here's an idea, how about you piss off?"He spat, before smirking. "Go find your little freak of a friend."

Now Y/N could be merciful. She didn't like to hurt people unless she had too. There weren't many things that could make her violent. It was a shortlist, but being a bully AND talking shit about Lydia, warranted some kind of ass-kicking.

She shook her head, beginning to laugh and looked down. "You are sooo gonna regret that." She lifted her head to meet his glare. And when she had, boy did the guy get nervous. Her eyes were narrowed and her mouth was curled into a sadistic grin. "It's showtime~" She whispered under her breath, distracting him before wiping his feet from underneath him. The next minute was a blur of limbs. Y/N threw and received a few punched and kicks. The kid that was on the floor scrambled to his feet and booked it down the hall. Y/N managed to punch him square in the jaw, knocking back on the ground. He groaned and tried to pull himself up.

"You little wen-" Y/N silenced him by placing her foot on his neck.

"Just shut the fuck up." She sighed. "Now listen and listen carefully. If you EVER, so much as look at that kid the wrong way again, I will end you." She glared down at him. "And if I hear you even speak Lydia's name again, I'll cut your fucking dick off, okay?"

The guy didn't respond so Y/N pushed down on his throat harder. He gasped for air and tapped her leg. She eventually let off and bent down waiting for his reply.

"I-I'm sorry... I-I" He coughed and grabbed his throat. "I-I won't."

"Good!" Y/N smiled sweetly, she picked up her bag and checked her watch. "Fuck." She sighed. She was late for her next lesson.

She turned on her heel, leaving the guy in a pitiful heap in the middle of the hallways. Y/N wasn't aware of Beetlejuice standing around the corner of the hallway. She yelped when he heard him speak.

"Y/N?" He said, walking into the light.

"B-Beej? You fucking scared me." She chuckled, running a hand through her hair. She hoped that he hadn't seen what happened, but she knew that he did.

He didn't say anything, he just walked closer to her, pinning her against a locker.

"That was..." He leaned down to her ear. "Hot."

Y/N's eyes widened. She blushed and she looked up at him.

"W-Wha-" Y/N was cut off by Beetlejuice's lips pressing against hers. It was rough from the get-go. Her hands found their way to his hair and she entangled them in it, pulling him closer. His hands ventured around her body when he finally reached her ass. He pulled her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. The kiss became more heated. She rolled her hips against his, making him grunt. She smirked when she felt something hard on her leg.

"Excited?" She began to kiss down his cheek, trailing down his neck. She licked and sucked in certain spots until she heard him moan. "Found it~" She began to assault the spot, basking in the moans her treatment was eliciting.

"Uhhh, Y/N, Beetlejuice?" They heard a startled voice behind them.

Their heads snapped in the direction of the voice and Y/N hopped down. Beetlejuice groaned, covering his boner with his suit jacket.

They were met by a blushing, grinning Lydia. "Look, I'm stoked that you guys are finally gonna relieve your sexual tension, but maybe don't do it in the hall?" She looked down the hall, it began to fill with students, moving to their next class.

Y/N and Beetlejuice looked at each other and smirked. They were definitely going to continue this later.

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