Beetlejuice X Insecure!Reader -Part 2- ❤️☁️

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Y/N tried so hard to keep busy. When she was busy her eyes didn't wonder. Her eyes had a tendency to wander to mirrors; her reflection, to be more exact. She hated seeing herself. All she saw was a monster. Too much here, not enough here; just never good enough. She spent hours looking into the mirror and at home when she was alone, poking and prodding the stuff that she dispised- which, as she discovered, was most of her body-.

She threw herself on her bed, sighing heavily. School was always rough for Y/N. She tried so hard just to focus on her work, but she always felt like everyone was staring at her.

"You okay, babes?" She heard a voice say as they walked into her room. "You look beat."

She flickered eyes eyebrows and sighed. "Yep." She said simply, popping the 'P'.

He came and laid next to her, resting his arm behind his head. "What's up?"

She sighed and fiddled with the fabric of her sheets. "It's nothing Beej."

He thought for a moment before sitting up. His eyebrows were furrowed and he rolled up his sleeves. "Which bitch do I gotta slap?"

Y/N looked up at him a giggled. "No bitches, Beej." She sat up and walked over to the mirror. "Well, I'm pretty sure I could do with a good slap." She chuckled darkly, looking down at her body. When she looked back up at Beetlejuice, her eyes were brimming with tears.

"B-babes? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly, walking over to her.

"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG??" She yelled, tears streaming down her face. "Look at this!" She grabbed her stomach and looked up at Beetlejuice. "Look how disgusting I am!" She began to hit herself, hard and erratically. She was breaking down, and it killed Beetlejuice to see.

He rushed over to her grabbing her arms. "Y/N, what are you doing to yourself?!"

"GET OFF OF ME!" She screamed, fighting against his grasp.

"Y/N, stop this! For God/Satan's sake, stop it!!" He pulled her into his chest, holding her tightly.

She bawled into his chest, her fight weakening.

"I-I" She stuttered, her head to scrambled to form a sentence.

"It's okay, Y/N. Deep breaths, babes." He stroked her head soothingly. "That's good, Y/N, keep doing that."

Eventually, he calmed her down. "Babes." He said, pulling back a little and looking down at her. "Do you really hate yourself that much?"

"I hate myself more than you could ever know, Beej." She looked so defeated; broken. Beetlejuice hated it.

"Why? How could you hate yourself? You're my favorite person in the whole world, how could you hate yourself?" He furrowed his brows, tilting his head slightly.

"How you could like me Beetlejuice? How could you possible like someone like me? I have a disgusting body, terrible personality, I'm a dull as a butter knife, Beej."

He chuckled at her. "I like you more than you could ever know, Y/N." He brushed a tear from her cheek, gazing into her eyes.

Y/N's cheeks were tinted pink. She didn't understand how someone could ever like her. Especially Beetlejuice. He helped her through her hardships. He lifted her spirits. He made her laugh. Oh boy, did he make her laugh! He always knew just what to do when she felt shitty; she had never had someone there for her like that. He made her feel safe and wanted. But never in a million years would she fool herself into thinking that he genuinly liked her. Y/N's trust issues were like a wall; they blocked Y/N from the rest of the world and made her world very small.

Beetlejuice's face was getting closer to Y/N's; his eyes locked on her lips. Y/N closed her eyes, preparing herself. She felt a strange new sensation on her lips. His lips were warm against hers. Y/N had never been kissed before; she was frozen solid, not knowing what to do. She felt Beetlejuice smirk into the kiss. He pulled away not two seconds later.

"Y/N, babes, haven't you ever been kissed?" He asked, raising an eyebrow still smirking.

She looked down shyly. "No.."

His smirk turned into a soft smile. He hooked his finger under her chin. "Don't worry, I'll teach you."

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I wanted to get one out today, but I have school tomorrow so I have to go to sleep early. I'm also still tired from not really sleeping last night, so it's not the best chapter. Thanks for reading!)

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