Chapter 2 (b) - The same jiff, a million times.

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I was ready to face the possible repercussions for her. If I could turn back time and bring her back, if there was even the slightest possibility, would fate accept its reverse? Nothing mattered anymore. I'd pick her. Over and over again, over any situation or circumstance. Over any pain or punishment. It's her who matters. It always has been her. 

I played and pulled her close to me, right in time. The bus missed her by an inch and crashed against the building across the street. Tautness filled the air.

And out of the blue, my vision started to flicker.

"You are now stuck in the time loop for breaking the rules of the hour. Your consequence is to remain and live your life in this loop until you meet your natural death." Spoke my virtual assistant Helen.

I blinked to pause and exit but there was no button nor function. This seemed like a reality. She was here, in my arms. Trembling because of the accident that we witnessed. Alive. And nothing mattered more than this. 

More than her...

I hugged her tight and moved my fingers through her Lilly- scented caramel hair.

The alarming sound of something familiar began to echo. Xara and the surroundings turned into dust and swooped away from sight.

"QUIT DREAMING. Wake up, Dave!!" 

And I was awakened to the perfect disappointment. My virtual assistant named after my deceased grandmother but twice as scary yelled. 

"It's 6 AM time for your morning jog little boy!"

"First of all, you are NOT my grandma, Helen. Second, DO NOT EVER call me 'little boy'. Lastly I-"

Helen stuffed my mouth with my favourite creamy mushroom toast with extra butter dripping down my mouth which according to my nana's handwritten recipe was some 'extra love' as she pulled me out of the Vertigo Memory Stimulator before I could complete my words and lead me to the bathroom door. 

"Off you go L I T T L E   B O Y " My virtual assistant mocked me.

I sighed and walked into the lavatory and looked into the mirror, undressing for a warm bath. Showers sure do allow some quality time with your brain just to ponder. They resemble warm hugs from loved ones caressing your skin, don't they? Well at least in 2050, they will.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stood, my teardrops disguised themselves as water from the shower. 

"It wasn't real?" I wept in disbelief, pressing my hand firmly against my mouth to avoid making any sound.

Helen pressed her silicone cheek against the bathroom door and said, "Please calm down Dave. Breathe in, breathe out."

I did as she said slowly.

"Good" she smiled.

"Now, redirect your thoughts, unless you want me coming in there and-"

"I'm fine!" I yelled.

"Just please, let me be alone for a little bit".

I sometimes really wish I didn't inject my nana's cryopreserved memories into this silly robot. She wanted to save a little bit of her love, in scientific terms 'the preservation of cells and tissue by freezing for further study, possible revival in future or use the memories in forensic study and injection into chips for loved ones'. Her body now rests in peace, calmness and tranquillity in a nitrogen-filled grave... However, it is nice having someone just like my grandma, to have someone or should I say some-'thing' look after me. It's 2050 after all. Science and technology have advanced. Men, women and animals too have been brought closer but also farther away from who they were destined to be.

 Yet in this fast-paced world, I find it easier to cling onto recollections and memories than to move on... 

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