05 - 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚏𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝚘𝚣𝚒𝚎𝚛'𝚜

Start from the beginning

"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we didn't meet?", Ashley asked as if it's been on her mind for years, which it had been. Her words brought a frown to Stanley's face while he closed the book, setting it to the side as his eyes focused on her expression. The two friends have always questioned what it'd be like if they never met and they hated thinking about it.

Since Ashley moved to Derry, Stanley finally had someone to relate to about many things. Even though she wasn't religious, he was still able to talk about his religious beliefs because he knew that she knew about it all. Her dad taught her everything before he died. He wanted his daughter to know about it, yet he knew she'd probably not care once she became a teenager. Ashley was more like her mother when it came to religion, not getting into it that much.

"I hate thinking of it.", Stanley sighed as he saw her nod gently, setting her comic book to the side. "But I'm glad we met. I'm glad you moved here, even if it wasn't the greatest experience of your life."

She giggled softly, vigorously nodding her head. "Yeah, but we're alive and okay."

"Will you still be friends with me in case the others aren't?", He asked with every bit of hope that he'd never lose his best friend.

"Stan, come on. There's no way you're getting rid of me.", She smiled brightly, bringing a huge smile to grow slowly onto his face. Ashley was content that she made him happy. His happiness was one of the only things that mattered to her, along with Richie's, the other Losers, and her mother's.

She lunged over to him, wrapping her arms around him before they fell off the bed and onto the floor. They both fell onto their backs, letting out a loud laugh as they turned their heads to look at each other. That didn't go as planned, she had told him. Then he had replied, Yeah, no shit. They stayed on the floor, propping their legs up over her bed while they laid there talking about anything and everything. She told Stanley about the constant make out sessions that her and Richie had, then he would make jokes about Richie being too horny. She would laugh and he'd smile at the fact she thought his jokes were funny.

Hours had passed and Stanley had to leave to go home, leaving her alone in her room for her to fall asleep. She had easily fell asleep, due to the fact she was extremely tired. She slept peacefully for two hours, until something awakened her. Her eyes fluttered open to see her window opened and someone groaning in pain on the floor by her window. She took in their appearance closely, noticing that it was none other than Ben Hanscom.

"Ben?", She called out, turning on her lamp as she then looked over at him while he slowly stood up. He stared at her with sadness taking over his expression, causing her to furrow her eyebrows together. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm moving.", He blurted out. Her eyes widened in shock, her mouth falling open as she tried to figure out what to say to him. She wasn't sure whether she should try to be supportive, sad, or worried.

"Moving where?"

"Nebraska.", He answered.

"That's like–"

"More than a days trip away. It should take two days to get there because of the stops we'd have to make.", He sighed softly, moving over to her bed so he could sit down. She shifted in her bed, making sure she kept her lower half of her body covered with the blankets because she was only in her underwear. Ashley Walker only slept in large t-shirts and nothing more, unless she was on her period.

"Um, when?"

"A week from today.", He began tearing up, causing her to frown at her dear friend. "I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave you guys."

A Thing Called Love || Richie Tozier [2]Where stories live. Discover now