Jake lead me to his room and sat my bags in his closet.

"So this is what young Jake liked?" I asked amused.

"So this is what young Jake liked?" I asked amused

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"Hardly." He laughed. "Young Jake slept in the living room because his aunt refused to let him have a game console and television in his room."

"Oh? Good thing I bought my laptop." I nudged him.

"Jakey..." His mom called stepping into the room.

She stopped and looked at me.

"And who is this?" She asked.

"This is Amari." He said shaking his head.

"Amari?" She scoffed. "That name sounds loaded. What are your parents? Brain surgeons? Rocket scientist? I bet you've never seen struggle before. Am I right?"

I glanced over at Jake unsure of it I should reply. Why was she coming for my edges so bad?

"Mom..." Jake started, but she cut him off.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you go to Arizona with Mar." She shook her head. "Look at you. Rubbing elbows with the undeserving rich. Come home Jakey."

This was gonna be a long weekend. A long weekend filled with a lot of tongue biting....


"Who're you talking to?" I asked watching Hunter smile big as he talked into his headphones.

"Not you, whore." He jumped at me. "Not you, Angel. Tyler is the whore."

"Tell Angel I said hello." I faked a smile and Hunter glared at me.

"No he doesn't." Hunter mumbled into the headphones. "He's the worse."

"I'm your brother." I said walking over to him. "I'm your only brother."

"My only brother that can keep secrets from me." Hunter rolled his eyes. "My only brother that can betray me!"

"How did I betray you?" I asked staring at him.

"Let me mind my business before I hurt my Mother's first born child." Hunter mumbled walking away. "I'm gonna blow this whole house up. The biggest bomb is going in your bedroom."

He walked pass me and bumped my shoulder on purpose.

"Nothing but love." He said smartly before walking towards his room.

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