35 - The Arrogant American

Start from the beginning

{Thank you babe.}

He looked at her and smirked.

Making it outside she took a deep breath.

"How are you doing baby?"

"Good, It's nice to be out."

Just as the car pulled up, they both heard a familiar but small voice.

"Unnie Wolf!!"

It was the curious human girl MinMin.  She came running towards them.  Gideon knelt down and held her arms open for the child to run into and was swept up in a hug, the little girl wrapping her arms around her neck. She wiggled to be let down. Gideon lowered her to the ground and she darted off towards Sanada who also scooped her up for a hug. Her mom came running towards them as Sanada held her.

"I'm so so sorry. She's just fascinated with you two for some odd reason."

Gideon smiled at the woman. "It's okay."

The little girl gave them both one more hug and went inside with her mom. The couple finally making it into the car. Sanada looked over at her.

"See why I wanted you to stay in the room?"

"Oh hush! She's a child. If there's one thing I did learn from my mom never being there for me, it's never turn a child away, especially when all they want to show you is love. You now that Toru."

Again, his Omega was right. His mom had always stopped what she was doing to return his attention and affection to him.

"You are so like my mom babe. She would have loved you."

The Omega leaned over and gave him a quick kiss as they headed to view the property. It was about a 40 minute drive so she decided to call the trust lawyer; she had the phone on speaker mode.

"Hi Mr. Johnson?"

"Ms. Okada, How are you?"

"Fine, I wanted to touch base with you. Has my mother contacted your office about the trust?"

"Yes she has, multiple times to where we have had to block her number. Why do you ask?"

"Because she's actually flown to Japan and is blowing up my phone and my dad's phone wanting me to split the trust. Evidently I have 2 half brothers that she feels are entitled to it as well."

"I see, I'm sorry you are having to deal with that Ms. Okada. The trust is for you and you alone. No one else is entitled to it, your dad gave specific instructions on that when he set it up.  What you do with the monthly payouts once you receive them, is up to you."

"I understand, thank you."

"She hasn't threatened you, has she?"

"No, I've only had one conversation with her and that was enough."

"Good, I will have my office contact her today to inform her of the trust policy and to remind her that if she threatens you or contacts you again on this matter that it will amount to harassment and that her actions will be seen as an attempt at extortion."

"I so appreciate your help with this Mr. Johnson. I have one more person to add as a beneficiary, is that possible over the phone?"

"Yes, of course! I just need their information."

"Great, he's sitting right here, you can ask him what you need to."

Sanada looked at her with confusion as she held the phone over to him to talk into. The lawyer asked him some simple personal questions and the addition was complete.

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