Part Eight: Early Delivery Causes Fear

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Part Eight: Early Delivery Causes Fear

Three Months Later:

I reread the question on the test again, trying to ignore the pain but it's not getting any better. Only worse. I feel another sharp pain in my stomach realizing it's not going to stop. It can't be time can it? I'm only twenty nine weeks along I thought I wasn't due until August?

I put my pencil down looking up at the clock that shows there's still another hour of school left. Not that much longer until summer vacation will start but I don't think I can wait that long or more like they can't wait. I look back down at the test unable to concencrate on some stupid question on an exam when the pain keeps getting worse and I can feel both of them move inside me.

I get up from my seat walking to Ms. Evans desk trying desperately to hide the pain. "Can I help you Aiden?" she asks looking up from the paper she was grading.

"I was wondering if I can have a pass to the bathroom." I say just as I feel a razor sharp pain. I bite down on my bottom lip pretending I'm not in pain when I am. I hope she can't tell because I really need to get out of this class to call my dad.

"Fine, but hurry." she says giving me the hall pass.

I hurry out rushing down the hall to the bathroom. I go inside the stall at the end getting my phone out of my pocket. I dial my dad's number as fast as I can hoping he answers. "Do you want me to punish you for calling me during your class?" he says as he answers the phone.

"Dad, I need you to pick me up." I say almost wanting to cry from the intense pain.

"Why? What's wrong?" he asks frantically.

"I don't know it just hurts really bad." I reply.

"Where are you right now?" he questions.

"In one of the bathroom stalls."

"Just stay there we'll be there as soon as we can. Whatever you do don't let anyone find out." he says before hanging up.

With the call ended I feel even more scared. I slide down against the wall until I'm sitting on the floor trying to keep my mind occupied with other things instead of worrying and the pain. "Aiden? Are you okay?" I hear someone ask and I know immediately who it is.

Shit! Why did Jake have to be in my class and follow me out? I ignore him but it doesn't do any good when I start to hear his footsteps get closer. "Yeah, I'm fine." I manage to get out before I start to black out from the exxcuriating pain.

The last thing I hear is Jake say, "I'll get the nurse." as I silently say in my head, 'No I'm fine you're just going to make everything worse than it already is.'


Fifteen Minutes Later...


"Oh my God-" I say, my eyes landing on the ambulance with Aiden inside. I'm about to get out of the car and run over there when Travis grabs my arm holding me back.

"Razor, we can't." he says.

"Why not? He's our son Travis I'm not just going to sit here in the car and watch." I argue looking back at the scene taking place in front of my eyes, a nightmare actually.

"We'll follow them to the hospital but when we get there you should stay in the car." he says.

"Why?" I ask wondering why he would think I would just want to sit in the car. Why would I want to when Aiden's in pain? He's in premature labor and it doesn't make it any better that he's going to a hospital. A hospital where no one knows it's even possible. They probably will think it's his apendix or something else until they find out what it really is and it scares me of what they would want to do with him after.

"Razor, someone has to call Ryan and tell him what's going on. So everyone can know to keep low." he explains.

"It's that bad isn't it? What's going to happen? What are they going to do to him?" I question.

"I don't know Razor, I don't know." is all Travis says before we take off following behind the ambulance that's heading to the hospital.

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