Part Three: His Dirty Secret

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Part Three: His Dirty Secret

Three months later...

"Am I always going to have to be your dirty secret?" I whisper into Kaleb's ear. I can hear a small chuckle coming from him as he places both of his hands on my face, holding my head up to him as he leans in to kiss me. My back against a bookself as our bodies are pressed together in the school library, hiding away behind another bookshelf containing books no one ever checks out.

"Who said you were my dirty secret?" he whispers back seductively breaking away from the kiss he just gave me. At the same time sending shivers down my spine as he moves his right hand down towards my lowers region.

I try to think of something, anything to prevent myself from becoming overly happy down there at school. But with him the way he is it's hard not to. "Stop Kaleb." I breath out holding back the moan that so desperately wants to escape my lips.

"I know you want to."

"Yeah but not here." I force myself to say pushing his hand away.

"What about during lunch? I know a private place near by. Don't worry we won't get caught I promise." he whispers and at the moment I want to say yes but first I want the answer to what I asked him.

"But you never answered my question." I reply getting a blank stare.

"And what was that?" he asks looking as if he's trying to remember.

Here it goes what I've been wondering for three months. The only problem I have with Kaleb and the relationship we have developed. I just hope this doesn't ruin everything. "Are we always going to have to hide? Our relationship stay a secret? Hiding behind the library bookshelf, in an empty classroom or through text?"

"Aiden, come on." he says a bit too loud before he lowers his voice and continues talking. "Why would you ever think I was trying to keep it a secret? I already told you I like you. Isn't that enough?"

"Telling me you like me doesn't mean as much when you don't want to be seen with me. Especially when you act like a complete asshole around your friends. You can't even acknowledge me when anyone is around not even after school. The last time you did was when you were about to punch me. So no Kaleb it isn't. Besides you could just be saying that to get in my pants. It isn't like you said I love you."

"Do you want me too? I'll say it if it will make you believe me." he says.

"Nevermind that's not what I meant." I say shaking my head at the idiot that couldn't be any more dumb.

"Aiden, I don't want to lose what we have over some stupid arguement between if I like or love you. Believe me when I say I do like you a lot, more than like. I just..I don't want to come out this very moment. I don't want to right now, I'm not ready. Can you try and understand? Maybe you've known you were gay for years but I haven't. I only started questioning my sexuality when you came along."

"Fine." I mumble before the bell rings.

"I'll text you where we can meet during lunch. Aiden, I like you." he says giving me one last kiss before he heads out of the library.

"I like you too." I say to no one as I'm left standing in the spot he left me. It's obvious the answer to my question is a yes. Yes, I'm always going to have to stay his dirty secret, at least for now. But in a way it's better this way because if my dads knew I was kissing another boy or even considering having sex during lunch they would freak. But seriously what's the worst that can happen? I've been making out with Kaleb for months and nothing has happened so far. So the 'kisisng will get you pregnant' thing has to be a complete joke they tried to scare me into believing.

I walk out of the library to my class that happens to be near by. Taking a seat right next to Jake like I always do. "Where were you?" he asks looking surprised to see me.

"Around." I answer taking my notebook out. "Why?"

"No reason just wondering. I can never find you during break or lunch. It's like you just disappear." he says.

"I like being alone is that a bad thing?"

"No, I never said it was I was only curious." he says, the late bell ringing ending the awkward conversation. Because really what am I suppose to say?

'The reason you can't ever find me Jake is because I'm sneaking away to make out with your older brother? Oh and I'm meeting him at lunch to have sex with him today.'

Yeah I can see the shocked look on his face right now making our friendship pretty weird. Besides it's suppose to be a secret right?


Lunch time...

With my jeans and boxers pulled down I bend over leaning on the contoured tree limp. "Oww!" I yell out, one of the branches poking into my black sweater. Inflicting pain on my arm which isn't making this romantic at all. Then again how is sneaking off outside the school hidden behind the trees to have sex romantic?

"Sorry." Kaleb says as if that makes it all better but I can't completely blame him when I chose to participate in the first place.

"Its fine." I say with the branch the least of my worries when I'm about to have something much bigger be inserted into my ass. And to be honest it scares me a little since I'm still a virgin but I'm not going to admit any of that to Kaleb.

The coldness in the air giving me the chills as I feel him, his member against my bare skin. I start to feel myself tense up from behind as he places his left hand on me.

"Come on Aiden just relax." he whispers to me. Relax? What the hell? Easy for him to say when he's on the other side.

'Okay just take a breath Aiden. Don't stress over this when you should be enjoying this. I'm finally going to lose my virginity and it's going to be to Kaleb. I just hope I don't regret this.'  I say to myself.

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