Part Two: After School Kiss

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**I changed the name from Kelby to Kaleb. I orginally wanted his name to be Kaleb but for some reason when I wrote it I spelled Kelby instead and didn't realize until later. By the way Nathan, Lukas and Ryan's son doesn't have a crush on Aiden they're just friends. I changed it because when I was rereading it it just seemed weird even if they aren't related. Oh and just so you know when I write DAD all capitalized like that it's Travis. Razor is just dad. I did it like that on purpose to differiate the two but anyway here's the long awaited part two. :) **

Part Two: After School Kiss

Five minutes earlier...


"What do you want?" I ask annoyed with the new kid my brother decided to be friends with. Can't he see I'm busy? Or at least be smart enough to know it's better to be on my good side than my bad? Heck I even let him off easy. Didn't I?

"Are you so unhappy you have to beat up other people?" I hear him ask as I still have my grip on the other kid. The fear showing in his eyes which makes me laugh at his mere attempt to stand up to me.

"Ha! You think I'm unhappy? Now why would you think that?" I ask waiting for some pathetic answer.

Who does he even think he is? Does he want to get me mad right now? "Because all bullies are deep down. Let me guess you have a deep dark secret you're trying to cover and you think this will distract it from everyone." his reply taking me by surprise.

What is he trying to say? Can he see the secret I've kept hidden so well. "I don't know what you're talking about. Now why don't you be a good boy and finish your lunch with your loser friends." I answer.

"Why don't you make me?" he replies causing a huge grin to form across my face. If he wants a fight I'll gladly give him one.I just hope he's ready to get his ass beat.

I let go of the guy I'm holding against the wall who seems happy to get away. "So you think you can take me?" I ask as I turn and look at his fearful face.

"Yeah, so are we just going to talk or what?" he questions obviously realizing he should have stayed away.

"I'll beat your little face in." I say ready to put this new kid in his place but as I raise my fist ready to punch him I can't. I can't punch him, I can't do anything that I want to do without this weird feeling inside me. A feeling inside me that's telling me not to hurt him because just the thought of hurting him pains me.

The look of fear on his face as he waits makes me realize I have to get away. I can't punch him, I can't even think of hurting him. So instead I release my fist and walk away. I don't stop walking until I'm away from everyone and reach the empty locker room. Punching the nearest locker in sight as the anger starts to flow through me.

What's wrong with me? I'm fucking Kaleb Carter the guy everyone fears. Yet I couldn't do what I have never had a problem with doing before. I can't even think about it without feeling anger towards myself. I'm pissed off at myself for getting humilated in front of the entire school on the first day back. And not only that but it was the new kid that caused all of this. What makes him any different from all the others? What has me unable to even touch him?

Just wait after school he's going to get it one way or another. I'll show him who he's messing with because no one is going to make me look like a coward in front of the whole school. No one, not even a new kid.



Sixth period...

I look out the classroom window not paying any attention to the teacher in the front of the class talking. Going on and on about the new school year and what we'll be learning. None of it meaning anything to me when all I can think about is what happened during lunch. Trying to understand why someone like Kaleb Carter would just walk away. Something he doesn't look like he has ever done in his life. And with all the other students looking shocked and confused it's pretty obvious I'm the only person to stand up to him. The only person he didn't punch in the face when I could tell he wanted to so badly just a few minutes before.

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