*knock, knock*

Mary heard someone at the front door. Looking at the time she wasn't sure who it could be.

"Who is it?" Mary called approaching the front double doors.

"Police, we need you to open up please," a man called out.
Mary opens the doors, "What can I do for you officers?"
"Ma'am is Vince McGregor here?" The second officer asked.
"No, he is at work right now. Why?" Mary began to slightly worry.
"May we come in and ask a couple questions?" The first officer spoke.
"Yes, this way please." Mary said while leading them to the kitchen. "Would either of you like something to drink? Coffee perhaps?"
"No thank you," the first officer told her. "Ma'am what is your relationship to Mr. McGregor?"
"I'm his fiancé," Mary quickly stated.
"Do you know what type of business he is in?" The second officer chimed in.
Mary thought for a second, "actually no I don't."
The first officer laid a couple photos on the counter of different shady looking men.
"Ma'am, do any of these men look familiar?" He asked.
Mary looked them over but shock her head. "I don't think so, why? What does my fiancé have to do with this," Mary began to frantically question. The officers nodded to each other.
"Thank you for your time ma'am, her is our card in case anything comes up." The first officer said as they seen themselves out.
Mary quickly grabbed the house phone and called Vince.
"Hello baby, I told you pick whatever you want." Vince spoke assuming she had called about the wedding preparations.
"Vince," she called out frantically. "The cops were here asking about you. What's going on?"
"Shit, what did you tell them!" Vince began to sound angry.
"I-I di-didn't tell them anything! I swear!" She reassured him. "I don't know anything to tell them." She tried to reassure him in hopes he would calm down.
"What did they ask you?" Vince sternly asked.
"They asked if I knew about your job and they showed me some pictures of some shady looking men I never seen before." She began to feel like this marriage was a bad idea.
"Did you let them inside the house?" Vince asked.
"Yes, I...." she began but Vince hung up before she could finish.

'Shit, shit, shit' Mary began to think to herself. Vince has been so nice to me since coming her. I hope this doesn't change anything. 'What if he sends me back to my father!' Mary's mind began to run a mile a minute wondering what Vince was going to do when he got home. 'I will show him how good of a wife I can be, then he won't send me back! He will let me stay and remain nice to me!' Mary began to plan out the evening for when Vince came home. She planned on having a romantic dinner, a fire going in the fire place and cuddling on the couch to any movie Vince might chose.

Mary began to clean the house from top to bottom then she would start dinner.

A few hours later.....

Mary woke up on the couch. She looked around but no sign Vince had come home yet still. She put the food away a while ago and figured she would wait up for him. Looking at her phone the time read 1:30 A.M. Mary decided to go to bed and she could try to smooth things over with Vince in the morning.

Walking towards the stairs (located by the front door) Mary made it up three steps before Vince came barreling in through the front door.

First thing she noticed, he was drunk. 'This isn't going to end well is it?' Thinking to herself. She began to continue up the stairs towards her room. Once at the top of the stairs Mary felt a hand grab her upper arm. Before even looking she knew it was Vince with a strong alcohol smell.
"Vince, what are you doing?" She asked a little worried.
"Ahhh, *hic* I'm going to make love to my wife," Vince bellowed.
Terror and shock covered Mary's face.
"Vince I thought we agreed you would wait until the honeymoon to have sex with me," Mary began to argue. "I'm not ready to do that and I would like you a little more sober for our first time."


Mary stood there stunned at what just happened. The man she thought saved her from her father was turning out to be just like her father.

"It's only a week away so why does it matter! I paid good money to your father for you! He promised you would be obedient!" Vince fumed. "You are mine until the day you die! If I want to fuck you I will! This is my house, my rules and you will do whatever I say!" Tears began to fall down Mary's face as his words sunk in.

"Are you going to let me fuck you or do I have to force you?" Vince questioned.
Mary didn't respond out of fear, she began to back away from Vince. He noticed her retreat before she got too far. Quickly he grabbed her by the arm again.

"I guess I will have to make you submit to me," Vince growled. He began to punch Mary in the face. He threw her on the ground and kicked her in the stomach over and over until all he heard out of her were quite whimpers. Vince lifted up her dress and ripped off her panties. Mary didn't want this but out of fear and pain she couldn't fight back anymore. Vince forced himself inside of her. Each thrust broke Mary a little more then she already was.

A/N: this is my first story on wattpad. I will go back and edit after I finish the story. I am excited to finally write my own stuff.

If you notice any grammar or spelling errors please let me know. It will make it easier to fix em.

Anyways, thanks for taking a chance on my story so far and let me know what you think.

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