[ 37 ] - Secrets, Secrets, Secrets....

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       Nowadays it was rare whenever I'd have moments to myself. I was always either stuck to Noah's side or the girls' side, and neither bothered me.

I figured it was because I was so deprived of attention and affection from others back then that now that I'm finally getting it I don't ever want it to stop. This feeling I have 24/7  from actually having more than one friend and finally having a partner- it's so euphoric.

I've never been as happy as I am right now.

But today's different.

This is the first Saturday in a while that I have no plans, and no one to do absolutely nothing with.

Nancy, Sue, Oddie and Suzy had got tickets to see some band in concert months ago, and this weekend they were finally in town. The looks on their faces when they were talking about them yesterday was amazing, I don't think I'd ever seen Oddie smile so much- but then Suzy the plans 'we' all created at the beginning of the week for the weekend and had ruined the whole mood.

The amount of times Oddie and Nancy suggested smuggling me into the concert with them was astonishing. It was evident that they were pro's with executing a plan like that with the numerous alternative plans into getting me there with them; but no matter how many times I told them I was fine and to not worry about me they wouldn't listen.

It was like I was talking to concrete walls or something.

Now, Noah... Noah I hadn't really seen much of lately.

Which was incredibly weird and out of character of him to do. If he wasn't with me in the flesh, he was always messaging me about every little thing. The message and call history between the two of us alone dates back all the way to three months ago, which I know I should delete, but I don't want too.

Seeing his name there all the time always makes me smile.

So, with absolutely nothing to do, I decided getting a little sun was good considering how much paler I looked than normal. Sprawled out on the grass in my backyard and letting the sun burn my arms and chest with Custord was what I was doing for about ten minutes before I ended up rolling toward the patio for shade. The cool concrete on my bare arms felt like heaven and I had no energy not motivation to move.

The back door sliding open had me trying hard to open my eyes, but expectedly failed.

"Jamie!" Carter suddenly hollered, "I'm gonna go out with some friends- wait, where'd you go?"

I weakly raised my hand up in the air, "Here."

The sound of Carter opening the back door further and then the heavy stomp of his feet coming near me still wasn't enough to make me open my eyes.

"Sometimes I wonder if you were a cat in your previous life," Carter chuckled amusingly, "What are you doing over here? I thought you wanted some sun?" He questioned.

I sighed, "I couldn't handle it." Shaking my head I tried to open my eyes, and this time succeeded, "The suns too bright today. It made me tired and was burning me so much that I  had to roll all the way over here for protection."

The look of pure amusement was evident in my older brother's face as he peered down at me with his hands on his hips. "What the hell Jamie," He started laughing, "How do you get tired of the sun?"

Now his laugh grew in volume as he was now clapping and struggling to stand on his feet at the situation; his eyes shut tightly and his cheeks turning pink. I grumbled and curled up in a ball.

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