[ 4 ] - Midnight Snack

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Even though Noah has never talked to me, or, has done anything to me to confirm that we were at least on the acquaintance level, looking at his posture told me that he wasn't quite happy with this. Yes, I said that I would be happy to continue tutoring him until he improved his grades, but that was from the kindness of my heart. Not because I was actually happy with tutoring him. I was forced into it. Guilted into it, actually, by a little old woman I found myself caring a lot about.

When Ms. Flanders gave me the green light to go home I wasted no time grabbing my bag and coffee before running out of there as fast as I could. By the time I got home Hannah was still there, I thanked her for letting me borrow the car and mumbled a "good morning" to Carter since he was in the kitchen with her eating a bowl of cereal and a bagel with cream cheese, and locked myself in my room hiding underneath the comfort of my covers.

Absentmindedly I shut my eyes closed and didn't open them again until it was midnight. My stomach and head were aching from the lack of food and my room was dark letting in cold cold air that made me shiver. I scooted towards the side of my bed and put my hair up in a ponytail before changing clothes. When I walked out my room I was dressed in black exercise shorts I wore for pajamas and a white spaghetti strapped tank top with white ankle socks, and I was looking for food.

The hunter in me surfaced and before I knew it I was eating a BLT with extra cheese and bacon and a side of Caesar salad with a glass of cherry coke while watching handpicked episodes of New Girl and Young & Hungry on low volume so I wouldn't wake anybody. I had opened a window in the kitchen to take out the smell of food before it surrounded the inside of the house, but it didn't work as well as I thought it would when my mom was suddenly watching me eat like a pig by the threshold of the kitchen dressed in her silk baby blue night wear. "What are you doing up so late?" She asked softly, her blonde hair down and in perfect curls as her eyes glittered in the kitchen light.

Self-consciously I shrugged my shoulders, I mentioned the sandwich in front of me and cleared my throat, "I -- I got hungry." I answered, my stomach tumbling over with nerves while I waited for her disapproving look I always seemed to get from her. But it never came.

Mom hummed before dragging her house slippers across the tile towards the table to sit across from me, her hands closed her robe tighter around her slim build before they folded together atop of the table. "I could tell," She said softly, "Guess we know now where you and Carter got your midnight snacking from."

The blotches returned across my cheeks and all over my neck and chest. Desperately I tried to cover them, but it was no use since my mom had already caught sight of them. "Yeah, guess so." I mumbled, my eyes averting to my lap as I picked at the fabric of the shorts.

"So," Mom breathlessly said, "How did your day go?"

I peeked up from my lashes and shrugged my shoulders, memories of today -- well, I guess yesterday, came back to me like a slide-show. The feelings I had during them came back to me and before I knew it i was telling her how everything was. How everything felt. I didn't try and stop myself from speaking because it was my mom, any opportunity I had to at least bond a little with the woman I would take. She and I never had the closest relationship, so whenever we were alone like this and she was actually interested in me and not distracted like she always seemed to be, I'd try to make the best of it.

"Really? So, he just, didn't look at you or talk to you or anything?" Mom asked with disbelief. Her brows furrowed deeply causing the wrinkles to appear, and her lips turned down into a frown, she seemed utterly confused and upset. For me.

It was a good feeling, to be worried about. And at this point I was practically basking in it. "That sounds terrible," She said afterwards.

I nodded my head, "It felt terrible." I muttered more to myself than to her.

A trouble sigh came from mom making me look back at her, "Well don't worry too much about it, honey, okay? Maybe overtime with all this tutoring then he'll warm up to you, he just needs more time to get used to having to be around someone."

The reassurance in her voice made me slightly cautious. "You -- you aren't mad that I'm tutoring him?" I asked unexpectedly. Mom furrowed her brows again, "Why would i be mad?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders again and grabbed the glass of soda, "Well, I don't know, I just thought because it was -- "

"Because it's Noah Grey you'll be tutoring you thought that I wouldn't approve?" Mom interrupted, her eyes expectant and tired. I nodded my head into the glass. She sighed again and shook her head, "Noah deserves better than all these rumors about him. He's just a boy who shouldn't be judged to quickly by his actions, especially for one that he did years ago because of his father."

The tone she used was defensive and hard, she looked behind me towards the rectangled shaped window with the thin white lace curtains before looking at me. "And you shouldn't judge him so quickly, either. It'll be a real shame if I find out that you're treating him like everyone else does around this hateful town, he deserves a second shot at who he is. So, please, promise me that you won't treat him like an outcast. I know that he may not be the best company, but at least let him rebuild who he is with you. Give him an out."

I had to blink to be able to register what was unraveling before my eyes. Mom wasn't one to give life lectures, especially about someone in this town that everyone seemed to be scared of, but the speech she just delivered made something in me quake with pride at her words. It was true, Noah deserved better than he was given, and I'm not saying that I'll be the person to help him through this endless game of 'who-could-stay-away-from-Noah Grey-the-longest', but maybe I could help.

Maybe I could be his friend.

Or, at least someone he could feel comfortable around.

I nodded my head after a while, "Okay."

Mom nodded her head and sighed, she placed her palms out on the table and yawned, "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm tired." She yawned again as she pushed herself off the stool and walked towards the entrance of the kitchen, "Make sure you clean up your mess before you head up to your room, okay. If your old enough to make yourself a midnight snack then your old enough to clean your dishes."

Again I nodded.

Mom left the room leaving me to think about what she said, I looked down at the BLT and wondered if my appetite was still there since I hadn't touched it since she walked into the room, and as if my stomach wasn't filled enough it growled again. Again I picked up the sandwich and sunk my teeth into it, right as mom came back in. "Oh, and please -- "

Seeing me feast upon the food again she just looked at me, I froze and silently wished for her too just leave so I could finish it. Mom shook her head at the sight before she looked me in the eye again, "Monday, please make sure to make him feel comfortable around you. I know it may be hard seeing as how Noah is really hard to crack, but please try and make an effort to befriend him."

I nodded just wanting her to be gone, and because I was unable to speak.

Without another word she left. And I was left alone eating my BLT while thinking of ways that'll hopefully work for Noah and I. When I was finished I washed my dishes and headed upstairs, with a quick brush of my teeth and closing my curtains I hopped into bed with my moms words replaying in my head over and over again. The darkness in the room made it easier to think, as did the food in my belly.

This time I didn't question why my mind was still running, I actually appreciated it. But after a while it started to bother me so I grabbed my phone and played a familiar song that always had a way of putting me to sleep, I sighed in content at the familiar strums of the guitar and curled up underneath the warmness of the covers. In seconds I was asleep, forgetting everything and everyone.

Shorter from the other chapters, but that's not the point. The point is I updated! Hopefully it's good, in the other book I never really gave Jamie and Moira a chance to bond and so I figured I should for this one since it's totally different but somewhat the same?? Anyway, vote comment and share if you liked this little chapter, and I'll be sure to update a lot faster and sooner! Love you guys!

- Jay. ❤️. 🌙.

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