[ 27 ] - Old Faces

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       Knowing that Noah wouldn't be in school for a while made coming as boring as school used to be before we met. I usually talked to none besides the teachers and staff for emergency purposes or for questions about... whatever i was curious about — which happen rarely — and if anyone did talk to me, it wasn't to be nice or to start some new friendship or something. It was to vent. I was a walking vault full of secrets and gossip that none paid attention too unless they had something good or depressing to spew. But now since Noah and i were suddenly 'joined-at-the-hip', as i heard some students say in the library earlier today, i realized that the only perk of going to school and actually being... social... was because of him.

He was the sparkly new thing in my life that i came to look forward to during my days. It didn't help that Noah had become strict in my school work; i was beginning to fall a little behind with how much i was worrying about him that he demanded i work until i'm all caught up and not once call or message him until it's all done— which, seemed childish and completely unnecessary seeing as how i was already coming up of a schedule that helped me excel in my work but also simultaneously give me the time i needed to spend it with him, but he wouldn't hear me out.

So here i was, in the middle of Ancient Greek with Mrs. Strout and a bunch of un-interested classmates as she rambled on about the myth of the Olympian Gods and how it is and isn't relevant. This class never felt lonely, but now with none sitting in the chair beside me, it felt quieter then it ever has since i've been here.

Besides a rare number of people who were interested, i was completely engrossed in the topic for today. So much so that i hadn't noticed someone trying to catch my attention until a small paper ball landed beside my hands on the desk.

I jumped and looked down at the ball, then to my right i saw Ethan, the boy with bright ginger hair and freckles that had answered the door when i barely arrived in the class and who has been sitting beside Noah and i for the past couple weeks, and someone who hasn't even sent a glance my way since i came here. I didn't understand why he was trying to communicate with me, or, bother me in anyway, but i figured it was because Noah was always around me that he never did. His bright brown eyes were locked on me already when i turned my head in his direction. Enthusiastically he nodded his head at the small ball of paper that stayed untouched beside my wrist, and for a moment i hesitated before looking up at Mrs. Strout who was practically touching the black board with her nose as she scribbled frantically about the lesson.

With a silent huff i put down my pen and leaned back into the chair and began unraveling the paper.

In big letters he wrote:

Where's Noah?

I blinked and looked at him with a blank expression. Again he mentioned the paper, and obediently i began scribbling down an answer:

Why are you asking me this?

Again i balled up the paper and made a move to hand it to him, but his eyes widened and he began to shake his head frantically. My face stayed expressionless as i stared at him unblinkingly as i waited for his instructions, in which caused a sudden change in his attitude. Ethan became fidgety and kept glancing around the room as if people were actually interested in what was happening back here. Hint: they weren't.

Inhaling he made a motion to slide it on the floor, which i watched intently so i would get it right. I followed his demonstration slowly and looked up for his approval, and he nodded with a sudden blush on his cheeks. I sent the ball his way, and he stopped it with his foot, i watched curiously as he slowly reached for the ball and opened it.

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