Chapter III - Farmer Refuted

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-Good morning, Miss Hamilton.- he said kissing her hand, as she tried not to laugh of his unusual formalities.- Such a lovely day to be outside in town.

-Indeed, good sir.- Louise replied, not containing a little laugh, when Hercules rolled his eyes.

- Bonjour, ma chérie Miss Hamilton.- Lafayette was next with his flirtatious French manners.- Im glad you blessed with your presence aujord'hui.

As he kissed her hand, a shiver went down from her arm to her whole body, with an unexpected and discreet caress as he let go of it. But not discreet enough to some ladies, who death glared Louise by getting the flirtatious Frenchman's attention, even though it was just a play.

The five of them walk alongside with each other. Laurens could not take his eyes off the young, revolutionary woman, as her eyes, matching the color of the sky that day, explored all the action in the streets waiting for the independence.

As they were crossing a square, the rebels in disguise heard someone shout to a crowd.

-Hear ye, hear ye my name is Samuel Seabury.- The man climbed into a step so he could be heard better.- And I present free thoughts on the proceedings of the continental congress.

They immediately stopped at a safe distant. Louise and Alexander looked at each other, and could read the other's mind "This is going to be fun".

-Heed not the rabble who scream revolution, they have not your interests at heart!- the fragile man began to read a sheet of paper on his hands.

- Oh my god, tear this dude apart!- Mulligan whispered to the young woman.

She winked, having already a plan in mind, and began walking across the crowd towards the man, while being followed by her brother. She placed herself in the front line, using her "female techniques" to catch his eye.

-Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution, don't let them lead you astray!- noticing the woman who attentively listened to him, he spoke, looking at her.- This congress does not speak for me

Seabury invited the Hamilton girl to climb into the step alongside him, and she was gladely going to accept, when an arm puched her a bit back.

-Let him be.

A non-risky Aaron Burr gave her an impatient look, but Louise let go off his grab and accepted Seabury's invitation. She smiled to him, and he nervously continued.

-They're playing a dangerous game. I pray the king shows you his mercy.- Louise was getting more and more close to him, and he started sweating and trembling.- For shame, for shame!

When they were only a few inches apart, and he was starting to read his pre-made speech, Louise started talking to the crowd.

-Yo he'd have you all unravel at the sound of screams but the Revolution is comin' the have-nots are gonna win this.- has he wouldn't shut up, she finished.- It's hard to listen to you with a straight face!

-Chaos and bloodshed already haunt us, honestly you shouldn't even talk.- Alexander had now joined them and got Louise's back while the crowd was speechless.- And what about Boston?
Look at the cost, n' all that we've lost n' you talk about congress?
-This Congress does not speak for me- Samuel tried to be heard.

-My dog speaks more eloquently.- Louise shouted right at him

-You're playing a dangerous game!- Seabury continued louder.

- But strangely, your mange is the same.- Alexander joined the mocking.

-I pray the king shows you his mercy!

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