Chapter 20

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I stood there looking down at my fidgeting hands. There was an awkward silence in the room. Neither one of us spoke. I couldn't take the silence anymore so I decided to say something.

"Do you need something?" I asked. I looked up at him. Why are you acting? He's going to ask you anyway.

He was sitting on his chair with his legs crossed, his elbow on the armchair resting his chin on his hand staring at me intensely. I gulped and straightened my posture thinking it might make me look a little less nervous than I already was.

"I can see that you're busy right now," I said eyeing at his laptop while walking backwards, "you know with your work and all," he furrowed his eyebrows at my action causing me to walk back a little faster. "I'll come back later when you're not so busy." I said and turned around.

Just as I was about to turn the doorknob, he spoke.

"Don't take another step." He laced out.

I let go of the doorknob and faced him. I smiled sweetly at him acting innocent.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Won't you explain what happened this morning?" He asked me.

I looked down and decided not to say anything.

He stood up from his chair and began walking towards me with long strides. I held onto the doorknob with my right hand ready to leave if he tries anything I don't like.

He stopped in front of me and held my chin up.  My eyes met his and I gasped. He looked like he was about to burst from rage.

"I said, won't. you. explain. what. happened. this. morning?" He said straining each word slowly.

"Can we get over it or talk about it later?" I asked grinning.

"What do you mean get over it?! You were about to run away from me again."

My rage consumed me and I just burst.

"Well, you can't blame me for trying!"

"What do you mean? I thought there was something between us."

I let out a deep sigh and turned my head to the side.

Luca chuckled and shook his head.

"I see. So you were acting this whole time and played with my feelings."

"You know what? I'm done with this conversation." I said turning around and opened the door.

Luca closed the door shut with his hand and grabbed my arm turning me around to face him. He had me pinned to the door, one hand on the door and one hand grabbing my wrist.

"Did I say we're done having this conversation?" He asked.

He leaned in really close to my ear, his lips slightly touching my ear which made me shiver inside.

"You know my darling Luna, I have come to notice that you are starting to disrespect me. Something I despise and will not tolerate. Especially from you." He whispered into my ear.

He kissed the area behind my lips and began to go down to my neck. His hot breath tickled my neck making me tingle with excitement. When I felt a kiss on the top of my left breast, I broke out of my trance realising what was actually happening.

"Luca, I-I" I gasped out and placed my hand on his hard chest. He moved his lips from my chest and started to play with the strands of my hair.

"After what happened this morning, I can no longer trust you to be by yourself. Especially now that we live in the city surrounded by hundreds of people. So we've got to set up some rules."

"Some rules?" I asked.

"Correct. Listen carefully now Luna."

I was hoping the rules weren't harsh but I wasn't surprised he decided to make them. From the amount of times I tried to run away, I would've set some rules up too if someone tried to run away. But then again, I would never kidnap someone just because I love them.

"Are you paying attention, Luna?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh yes." I said grinning.

He raised his eyebrow to show he caught me not paying attention.

"Very well. Rule number one. From now on, you will be accompanying me to work every single morning. You will be staying with me until it ends."

"I have to accompany you to work?" I asked shocked. "What am I supposed to do there, watch you all day long?"

"Pretty much. Come to think of it, I would really like that. He said smirking at me.

"Wipe that smirk o-"

"Rule number two. You will only talk to those who I allow you to talk to. You are not to be speaking to any man, not even Diego."

"Diego works there?" I asked.

Luca furrowed his eyebrows. "That does not matter. You will not be speaking to him even if you were to see him."

I pouted thinking of how lonely I'll feel. Especially at a place like his company.

"But I'll feel lon-"

"Rule number three!" He interrupted.


"If you need anything, you ask me. Even if you need to go to the bathroom, I will show you to the bathroom and wait outside until you're done to make sure you learn your lesson about running away from me."

"You're not actually going to do that." I said rolling my eyes, laughing nervously.

Luca kept his eyes on me keeping a straight face on. "We'll see." He said.

"Is that all?" I asked hoping it was done.

"Yes, for now. I will be making new rules along the way when needed, depending on your behaviour." He said giving me a hard stare.

"I'm sure we won't be needing any more rules." I said.

"I hope so." He said and sighed.

"Can I leave now?" I asked.

"Yes." He said after a few seconds. "Get ready darling, you will be accompanying me from today." He said walking back to his desk.


"I have work today. Don't tell me you forgot rule number one already." He said rolling his eyes.

"No, I didn't. I just thought you didn't have work today because you weren't wearing a suit. And usually, you always wear a suit to work."

"I wore this because It was easy to wear and I had to quickly put something on because I had to make sure Diego wasn't trying anything stupid with you to annoy me." He said.

"I see." I said. "Um, what's appropriate enough to wear?" I asked.

"Wear whatever you decide. Whoever comments on your attire will be speaking to me."

"Okay." I said leaving.

"Oh and Luna," he called out before I left, "don't touch another man, that's rule number four." He said.

"We'll see." I said and quickly left. Well, he didn't say that obeying him at all times was a rule. I smirked to myself while making my way to my room.


Hello everyone. I'm back! I'm feeling much better now. Everyone has problems, am I right? Thank you for all your lovely comments. If you're ever feeling down or need someone to talk to, I'm here. I've gone through most shit so I'll be able to relate and probably give you some advice. Just know that you're not alone. Hope you're all having an amazing day or night. Love you all! Xx

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