Chapter 11

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So I'm currently sitting inside a car, on the drivers seat with Luca beside me. He didn't lie when he said he'll teach me how to drive.

It all started when Luca woke me up.

"Lucaaa. Stop." I groaned.

"Get your ass up. I'm going to teach you how to drive today."

"I remember saying you're not giving me that car so that means I don't need to learn how to drive."

"Regardless whether or not you get the car, you still need to learn to drive."

"Nooooo." I groaned and stuffed my face in the pillow. All of a sudden, I felt two arms pick me up.

"Let me go. Luca, stop." I whined.

"I'm doing this for your own good. Everyone should learn how to drive." He said.

He carried me to the wardrobe room and put me down.

"Get changed. I'm standing behind this door and if you don't come out, I'll break this door down and get you." He told me.

"You're not actually going to break a door down because I don't want to learn how to drive, are you?" I asked him and looked up at him with a questioning look.

He gave me a look that said 'I sure am'.

"Of course you will. I don't know why for a sec I thought you were a normal person." He stepped back. I closed the door and made sure I locked it. I changed but I didn't go out.

He's not going to make me do something I don't want to do. He's not my boss, he's my kidnapper.

I was just chilling in the wardrobe room for fifteen minutes when Luca knocked on the door.

"Luna, what are you doing in there? It's been fifteen minutes. That's enough time for you to change." He told me.

"No! You can't make me do something I don't want to do! If I don't want to learn to drive, I won't!" To be honest, I was scared of the idea of driving. It's dangerous. Especially on the roads. There's cars from every directions that are moving fast and you never know whether they're going to hit you or not.

"Luna, if you don't unlock this door this instant, I will break it down." He told me.

"No, I won't!" I yelled at him.

"Stop acting childish! Act like a grown up and unlock this door." He yelled back from the other side of the door.


"Fine then. You had your chance to do this the easy way." No, he won't actually break the door down, would he? There was a moment of silence and I quickly hid behind some clothes.

Luca broke down the door and barged in. He looked around for me and looked in between the clothes.

"Oh Luna don't you remember the first time we played hide and seek. I distinctly remember that I won." He said with a smirk. He went a bit further in the wardrobe and I ran out.

I got out of the wardrobe but soon got lifted up and Luca put me on his shoulder. Ughhhh.

"You always choose the hard way, don't you?" He asked while carrying me towards the garage.

"No, I don't like being told what to do especially by strangers." I said.

I felt a sting on my butt. He spanked me?

"Hey! You can't do that!" I yelled at him while blushing like crazy.

"I'm not a stranger. You've known me for a whole year. I was never and will never be a stranger to you."

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