Chapter 17

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I applied my last bit of makeup and took a good look at myself in the mirror. I guess I look decent. I don't know but today I woke up feeling like I wanted to dress up. Or maybe I wanted to dress up for Luca. This is so not right.

I stood up from my seat and straightened out my yellow sundress. I raked my fingers through my now curled hair and took one last look at the mirror before leaving the room.

I wondered around the house looking for Luca. I walked past the kitchen and got a glimpse of Luca standing there. He was wearing a suit. I didn't realise how much I missed him wearing a suit. He can never fail to impress me or anyone actually. But if he's wearing a suit, that means one thing.

"Good morning. Are you going to work today?"

He turned around and placed his cup on the counter.

"Good morning darling, I'm sorry but I have to today. I missed a couple of days off and things haven't been going right back at the company  so I have to go and fix things." His said, his eyes raking my body. "And might I say darling you look beautiful today." He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to him where I could smell his cologne. I put my hands on his chest to leave some room between us.

"Thank you." I said thinking that dressing up was a waste of time because he's going to work and won't come until 8 and by then I'll probably be asleep.

He must've noticed my change of tone. He let out a sigh and put my chin up.

"I'm sorry darling, I'll make sure everything's fine and I'll do extra work so that I can take the time off the next few days to be with you." What am I doing? Why am I showing him that I want him to be with me?

"I'm not upset about you leaving. I'm just worried to be alone again because I'm literally in the middle of nowhere." I said making an excuse and laughing softly to show him I don't care.

His face showed that he didn't buy it. "It's safe out here. You don't have to worry about anything. Before you know it, I'll be back."

"Okay." I said following him to the front door. I stood in the doorway watching him leave only for him to stop and turn back around.

"I forgot something." He said.


His lips met my cheek and lingered there for a while.

"I love you." He said and left to go in his car but not before blowing me a kiss. Oh this man. I waved goodbye and closed the door. I turned around and leaned on the door. What am I going to do in this big house? I'll just watch a movie. That's all I've been doing these days. I suddenly heard a click and looked out the window to see Luca smiling, waving a bunch of keys at me. Shit. I didn't realise the door was unlocked. Too late now Sherlock. He locked it. I shook my head smiling and went to start watching my movie.

I decided on a movie called white chicks. I've never watched it before but it looks good. I made myself comfortable on the couch and began watching the movie.

Halfway through the movie, I got hungry. I grabbed the remote and paused the movie getting up to go to the kitchen to fix something for myself. I thought about the future and wondered what was going to happen? Would I be successful in escaping? A loud sound interrupted my thoughts, which sounded like a door breaking. What the hell was that?

I stopped and quickly hid behind the counter. I know for sure it's not Luca cause he already has the keys for the house so there's no need for him to break something to get in. I could hear my heart beat pounding and my hands were shaking. I tried to breathe quietly and struggled to remain calm. Someone's here and that's not a good thing. Only one type of person would break things to get inside the house and that's a thief.

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