Chapter 3

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I kept running through the woods until I saw a road. It's been like a while since I ran from him.

I chose to walk towards the road to catch my breath. I can hopefully find someone nice enough to give me a ride to the police station.

I can't believe it! Why would a nice guy all of a sudden want to kidnap me? And how did he know where I lived? My heart dropped when I just realised that.

Did he stalk me?

While waiting for a car to pass by, I was thinking about how my life changed overnight. Who knew a normal day would end up like this. I knew how those girls felt in the movies and books.

I reached the road but decided to hide behind a tree until a car shows up. I was waiting until a silver bmw with dark tinted windows showed up.

This is my chance before he finds me and I don't want to find out what he would do to me once he catches me.

I got out of my hiding place and ran towards the side of the road and started yelling with my hands up trying to get the persons attention. I bet I look crazy right now!

"Hey! Stop! I need your help!"

My heart leaped with joy once the car started to slow down. It stopped in front of me and I knocked on the window. The person put the window down a bit.


"Please help me sir! A man broke into my house and he's looking for me! Can you please take me to the police station?"

"Get in."

I quickly got in the passenger seat.

"Thank you so much sir. I'm very grateful."

I heard the car doors lock and I suddenly became uneasy.

"You're very welcome, my love."

I turned and looked at the man and nearly cried. It was him! It was Mr Black! Tears rushed out of my eyes. I turned around and opened the car door but it was locked. I turned around again and backed away from Mr Black until the door was hurting my back.

"But the car?"

"Darling, I own a company. You think I own one car?" He scoffed.

"What do you want from me? Let me go, please."

He did not say anything but kept on looking forward.

"Say something!" I was scared and all I wanted to do was go home in my bed and wake up like this never happened.

He laughed. "You thought you could escape me? I told you, you could never run from me." He became serious all of a sudden and looked at me straight in the eye.

"That is never going to happen again, are we clear?"

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"For as long as you have me, I will keep running away from you, you bastard!"

His jaw clenched. He started to come forward while looking at me in the eye. He kept coming closer until he was nearly about to touch my nose when I punched him in the stomach but he didn't even flinch.

"I'm warning you! Don't come close to me or touch me cause I'm not afraid to hurt you!"

Suddenly he grabbed both my hands and held onto them with one hand. My head and my back was pressed against the car door.

"What are you doing?" I looked down at his hand holding my hands. I tried to get my hands out of his hold but his grip was tight.

"Shhh." I looked up and gasped. He was so close to me that our noses were about to touch. He looked down at my lips and breathed hard. His other hand reached down for something and pulled something. My seat went down. He let go of my hands and straightened up in his seat. He started to drive now.

He did all that just to put my seat down! Now I'm even more pissed!

"Now go to sleep. We're a long way from home."

"No, I'm already at home. Take me back, you sick bastard!"

"That was never your home. You were only there because i wanted you there until I got a house that was perfect for us, darling. Somewhere far so no one can ever find us so I can be alone with you. The moment I set my eyes on you, you became mine. Now we are going to our home whether you like it or not."

"I'm not yours and I hate you!"

"You were always mine!" Watch that mouth of yours or I'll have to kiss it to keep you shut and I don't mind doing that all night if I have too."

I folded my arms and glared at him.

"You can't kiss-"

He moved closer and nearly kissed my lips when I moved my face to the side and he ended up kissing my cheek.

"Those lips belong to me and I can kiss them all I want."

I decided to stay quiet the rest of the way and tried to stay up but my eyes were getting heavy.

"I'm not going to do anything to you, luna even though I would love to but I need to gain your trust first."

I scoffed and tried hard to stay awake but ended up falling asleep.

"Goodnight, Luna." And that was the last thing I heard.

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