"Uhm yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" I quirked a brow and tried to ignore him by looking at my script.

"You did read my message last night right?" I stared at him blankly

"What message?" 

"That we'll be shooting Scene 30 of episode 6?" I snorted at him then turned my back as I started to walk to the trailer truck.

"If I memorized every scene of every episode I'd be a wizard Peter" He laughed at me fondly while walking alongside me.

"My bad. A love scene between you and Ynna" 

I paused

"Can we shoot now?" I impulsively asked, he answered me by patting my back a little too heavy for my comfort.

"Ohh, someone's eager! I like the energy here! 30 minutes guys!" 

The cameras were following our every step as we walk towards the aprtment that Ivy, my character was living at.

"Do you remember when Mr. Simmons gave us a 30% discount on our first date at his diner?"  Ynna stood behind me as a I fumbled the key to my loft. I twisted my head so that I could see her smiling at me.

"You thanked him so much so you almost kissed him because we were both broke" I opened the door that engulfed us into darkness. I pushed the switch then invited Ynna to come inside. She laughed at the memory, I mean supposed memory.

"He gave us another discount tonight" 

"What? really? How sweet of him" I took her jacket and hung it by the door. We ended up sitting on the gray couch exhausted and full, we really ate at the diner while shooting partly because I was hungry, and we were talking while eating, flirting even. I blushed at how smoothly she executed her lines.

"You know what else he said?" She asked after giving ourselves a minute to breathe in.

"He said he knew we'll always find our way back to each other" Her tone was serious

"Cute" I rolled my eyes. Cliche lines always made me cringe but when those words are uttered by her it's like she's saying the most romantic lines to me.

"Ivy, I know I couldn't change the past between us, I can't go back in time and change my decision, but I know I'll always want to be with you" She stretched her hand and enclosed my cold ones.

"I can't stay mad at you do you know that? I'm just so in love with you that I can't do that"

"I love you" She fluttered her eyes towards me, her husky voice above a whisper, it felt real I could feel the emotion with every word she said

Good god my heart was beating erratically beneath my chest it could explode any second now. I would gladly sacrifice a goat or any animal just to make this happen in real life. Why was I torturing myself with this?

"I know" I answered with a smile.

Ynna placed her hand warm palm against my face. I leaned toward her touch and closed my eyes for a second to relish the feeling. I opened them to look at her eyes, those light green orbs emanating a different glint as a smile slowly curved her red tinted lips. A gasp escaped my lips at the sight, it all felt real, I wanted to believe this was reality. 

I tried to recapture every second, how her thumb softly rubbed my skin, as if she couldn't believe I was real so she had to touch something tangible, she had to touch me. I wanted to enclose this moment in a special memory in my mind, how she leaned in until the air we breathe in were in the same space. Her black as night strands were smooth as I ran my fingers in them, tangling some locks and twirling them around my index and thumb. Her lips landed above mine. At first it was a test of waters, asking if she should proceed. I squeezed her arm that was gripping the couch as affirmation. If being near her was already making me nauseous of the overwhelming emotions, kissing was ten times more exhilarating, as if every portion of skin I have lit on fire.

A whimper escaped my lips as she bit the flesh of my mouth and slipped her tongue inside, I could explode any minute, the blood pulsating over my body felt hot, as if fire surrounded my well being, but I knew it was just Ynna's presence. We fought for dominance, and yet she won because I let her. Ynna carefully pushed my body so now I was lying on the sofa as she straddled my body in place. This was too much, the infatuated girl inside me is already dying. Her hand slid to my neck and settled there for a few seconds, but the ascend did not stop there, she moved it to my collar bone and tickled my skin with her feathery touch. 

I heard a subtle clearing of throat behind the camera. I opened my eyes just in time to see Peter holding a whiteboard.

'Your lines Megan' 

The sensations were overwhelming that I forgot I still had lines to deliver. 

"Killian" My voice was muffled beyond recognition, I swallowed a bit to clear my mouth but Ynna continued to attack my neck like I didn't utter words. Damn can't we have privacy? 

"Killian babe" That wasn't part of my line but I had to compromise. I mean in the duration of the shooting I've never put myself into a situation to not be in need of improvising my lines. 

"Yeah?" She finally broke from her trance 

"Let's call it a night?" I grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb by her knuckles. This wasn't technically a love scene but the plot of the Nostalgia series focused on every character's development, and the writers courtesy of Arnold, didn't find the need to place such scenes. 

I just dislike this nagging feeling inside me that wanted Arnold to place at least one? Just to check if Ynna had a tattoo on her back or somewhere, it's purposely for research and not my fantasy. Pathetic I know but it wouldn't be explicit, just something I could cherish before I die.

"Sure, sure I'm sorry" Ynna smiled at me, linking my thoughts back on set, it was difficult not to get sidetracked with her so close to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" 

"Yeah" Our bodies remained in their initial position, Ynna still straddling me down on the couch. She was supposed to stand by now and help me to my feet after that I would walk her out with one last kiss. The script has seemingly disappeared once again, as if we were rewriting the manuscript, slowly evolving it into our story, Ynna and I, or was that being delusional?

I froze when Ynna moved, not to stand but to lean once again and entrap my lips into a dance that felt familiar to my senses. I pulled her closer by her slim neck, gently pushing her lips deeper.

"Okay cut!" Peter's voice echoed around the room. I despised it because it ruined yet again another moment. Several shuffles and voices around started filling the room. I thought I heard Peter clap then tried to talk to the cameraman, yet Ynna didn't move to stand, I couldn't move either. 

She stared into my eyes, digging, scouring, yet I let her. It was impossible not to get mesmerized by those glazed green eyes. Her gaze then shifted lower, until they reached my lips. I know that because I followed their subtle movement. 

It was a pace of a heartbeat. A blink of an eye, a fleeting space in time when it happened.

Ynna leaned in and placed a soft, lingering kiss above my trembling lips. She stood after that and disappeared into a room, hid herself behind that locked door. I stood but then decided to sit on the couch instead. I couldn't walk with these weak limbs. My hand fumbled with my lips, the part that still tingles from her touch. This was different, a new territory I was willing to take since I first met her. I smiled as I recalled those few seconds, right now I'm feeling like a teenager again when my crush finally notices me. 

This time no cameras were rolling when she leaned into me.


Hi guys I hope you're all safe. 

So I tried reading previous chapters in this story and discovered some mistakes I made and some inconsistencies. If you noticed them I'm really sorry for any confusion. If you didn't, don't mind me

I decided that after I finish this story, which will be soon yes, I would revise the chapters, not entirely the story but some minor details. 

I would really like to thank those of you who are patient enough to read my story it really means a lot to me. Make Up is near its end, just a few more chapters left yey.

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