A Sister from Home

Start from the beginning


Emma's friend, Claire was telling in great detail how Anna, a five year old pup at the nursery had tricked them all into believing that she had a stomach ache. Sarah, Alakay, Emma and Nico all listened with great enthusiasm about the pups trick and sly remarks as they sat drinking their cups of coffee at their favorite café, which they met at every weekend.

Nico was on his third cupcake when Sarah glared at him and told him how he was going to get a sugar rush later on. Nico denied ever getting a sugar rush, although he knew that they all knew he lied. Nico and his sugar were best friends since the day Nico opened his eyes as a pup and he swore they would find him eating something sweet the day he died.

Six cupcakes and two Butterbeers later, (yes there were Harry Potter fans in the werewolf community) Nico was saying goodbye and hugging each of his three friends when they all had heard their Alpha's voice ring sharply through the mindlink warning them about a rouge attack at the southern border. They were asked to head home as quickly as possible and remain behind bolted doors for their safety. The café they were at requested their customers to please exit safely and Nico and Emma took a ride with Sarah to rush back home. Although rougue attacks were often heard about, it was seldom that a rougue managed to get past border security. The alpha had a good team patroling the pack border twenty four-seven.

It was quarter past seven when Nico heard a knock on his door and rushed to it before Emma could. Although between the two sibling, Emma was stronger but she was Nico's baby sister and her security was Nico's pride and responsibility.

Before Nico could open the door, he was tackled to the ground and pinned there for two seconds before the weight lifted off him and headed to the door. Emma was on high alert and had narrowed her eyes and stood on her toes- her canine bared, ready to attack before realizing it was a familiar scent outside the door. She quickly opened the door to bow her head to her Alpha. Nico glared at his sister and dusted off his clothes before bowing his head in respect to their leader.

"Emma, Nico, how are you both?" He spoke, smiling politely. Behind him stood a young girl of no more than sixteen summers.

"Please come in, Alpha." Nico kindly invited the visitors into his small but clean home. The Alpha and his guest entered and took seats in the living room. Emma went to get them a drink -not before bolting the door, which earned her a nod of approval from their Alpha.

Nico observed the Alpha's guest while they sat and waited for Emma to get back. The young girl was very very young indeed-a child wolf, much like Emma, but younger in years. She was tall-two inches taller than Nico and had a slim figure. There was no mistake, she was definitely Alpha- born. Her dark hair was in dreadlocks and decorated with shiny colorful beads that complimented her wheat-colored skin. She had a large smile and beautifully aligned teeth. If Nico had to decribe her, he would say that she had her own sunshine inside her that glowed warm in other peoples company. Like Nico observed the stranger- she observed him back with sharp eyes (lined in red kohl) and a slight smirk. Nico felt that Emma and this young girl would become great friends if time allowed it.

Emma brought two juice filled glasses and handed them to the Alpha and the young girl before sitting on a sofa near the window. Alpha smiled at Emma and cleared his throat before introducing his guest.

"Emma, Nico, I would like you to meet Nina, Alpha-born from the Siwarii pack." He said, gesturing toward Nina whose smile widened. "She was on her way here to find her mate but was attacked by rogues at the docks and had to run all the way in no-mans land while being chased by those...wolves." He said the last part with enough hatred that it could be felt in the room.

Nico was up and out of his seat in two seconds after what he heard. He felt like he had to somehow protect the girl. In five leaps he stood infront of Nina and took her hands in his own and looked deeply into the child's eyes, assessing, trying to read her emotions. "Are you ok?" He asked concerned, genuinely searching for any scars across her body. He found one on her leg and sat to observe it- it was healing already; Nico was satisfied.

The Alpha and Emma observed Nico's behavior. He was known to be protective- although slight himself, but this was something more. This felt like he was concerned for family, something he would do for Emma or Sarah or Mrs Levi...

"I'm perfectly alright!" Nina responded, her eyes slightly rounded, her hands lifted up to Nico's shoulders to keep him from entering her personal space. There was nothing unkind about her gesture-only suprise. She grinned at Nico like she had discovered his secrets. Nico smiled, satisfied and went to sit back in his favorite spot on the sofa.

"I can see you will get along well." Observed the Alpha. "I wanted Nina to stay with both of you. I would offer her a guest house but she would be lonely there and I dont think that is best for her at the moment. Do you think you could extend your hospitality to her Nico? You were the first person who came to my mind."

"Ofcourse Alpha," he bowed slightly, "Nina Suwarii is welcome to stay with us as long as she wants. I think Emma and her could be good friends." He smiled toward Nina who glanced at Emma with warm eyes.

After discussing a few matters with Nina- how her luggage would be delivered to her in an hour and how she was free to survey the pack grounds for her mate- the Alpha took his leave. He kissed Emma on her forehead and stroked Nico's hair- which earned him a purr from Nico's wolf. He sat in his car and drove away.

Nico turned to Nina who looked at him with laughing eyes– because she had just seen a fully grown male wolf purr to his alpha–and he found himself blushing in embarrassment and glared at the young girl who then burst out laughing.

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