Amajiki Tamaki x Inu! Reader

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(FYI, I wrote Tamaki's personality solely from Yagami Yato)

"Oi, Mirio! What are you doing?!" You asked him as he pushed you to a park with not many people. He settled you to a bench and gave you a pat on the head.

You shook his hand off, pouting. He saw your actions and chuckled, to which you growled, but then pretended to sulk.

"Why'd you have to push me here? And take my (F/F) from me?" You questioned, snatching your food back and quickly finishing it. He hummed a bit in thought before snapping his fingers like he remembered.

"I have a challenge for you, (Y/N)!" Your ears perked up and your tails wagged at the word "challenge". You really love challenges, which makes it your biggest weakness.

"What is it? What is it?" You asked excitingly, moving up and down in your seat. He could literally feel the happiness and excitement aura emitting from you.

"I need you to convince the person I'll send to stay here for an hour and a half, okay?" You nodded in determination, tails wagging even more at how easy that is. He chuckled again, petting you on the head before he ran off.

"And close your eyes and ears!" He added. You put on your earbuds and patiently waited. You heard muffled stutters, knowing immediately who that is.

You removed your earbuds to see Mirio with Tamaki, the poor thing shaking in his boots. You pat the empty spot the bench, Tamaki flinched on your action. Mirio ruffled your hair to run off somewhere again.

"Good luck, you two!" He shouted, giggling a little bit, along with a girl's giggle. You sighed at them, turning to your new challenge, trembling terribly and has his hands gripping on his pants.


"HYAHI!" He suddenly yelped close to your dog ears. You reflexively scooted away further from him, covering your ears, and whimpering in pain. Tamaki turned to you stuttered out an apology.

"So s-s-sorry..! Are you okay?" You were still whimpering, but nodded with a thumbs up. Your face was grimace and Tamaki noticed that feature.

"I-I-I-I... Umm.. I-I'm so sorry.... If I d-didn't s-s-shout that... that loud, y-you wouldn't be... you wouldn't b-be in pain." His stutter sounds worse. You recently tested how much you could tolerate loud noises with Mirio, so you're better than last time.

"It's alright, Tamaki. I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me." You calmly assured, giving him your best smile. He swore he saw flowers surrounding your aura, but he decided to not talk about that, because you might think it's weird. You noticed him staring and offered one of your earbud.

"My music taste is weird, but at least it'll be less awkward." You awkwardly scratched your cheek. Tamaki took the earbud and put it on. You played a more calming song, moving your fingers to the rhythm.

Tamaki watched as your dog ears bouncing up and down to the beat and remembered what you told him not too long ago. You have human ears, yes, but since you have dog ears with enhanced hearing, those human ears were practically useless. While you were humming along a song, Tamaki stroked your hair, which resulted in you to flinch and he followed.

"Oh gosh! I-I-I-I-I'm so sorry! A-A-Are you okay, puppy- (Y/N)! I-I meant (Y/N)! I-I was imagining you as a puppy, and.. Oh gosh, t-this is so e-e-embarrassing..! W-Wait, I-I-I'm rambling! Sorry, sorry....! I'm Sorry... Sorry..." He wrapped his arms around his own head in embarrassment, blushing furiously, trembling, and looking at the other direction. Your ears flopped down, tail wagging, and your face reddening and heating up. You also turned the opposite way, not daring to even look at his eyes.

[DISCONTINUED] Bnha Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now