•~Chapter 16~•

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[ Samantha and Samritha's ride to the Black's Pack House ]

Samritha and Samantha decided to ride in Samritha's car since they're headed to a different location while, Jessica and Enia in Samantha's car.

There was tension in the car but both were too stubborn to get rid of it. Yes, Samritha was the oldest,37(doesn't look her age at all), but that doesn't mean she'll be the one to step up. This is something that'll make problems in the future.

Samritha sighs out, she might as well step up, she glances at her daughter then back to the road.

"So," she starts "any questions you might still have?"

Samantha sits up as she hears Samritha's voice,  she was just talking to Jessica throught their link. She doesn't like how Jessica and her mother are getting a long pretty well, as Jessica said, she's happy for her mate but it seems like her and her mother aren't really there yet.

"Um, did you name me after you?" She asks and looks at her mother's side profile. She really did see some of her features on her.

"We did but unintentionally," she answers and smiles at the memory of her and Cathy just busting out the name 'Samantha' at the same time "Your mother and I both came up with the name at the same time, literally we screamed your name out at a cook out that me and Enia was having in celebration of our wives being pregnant."

"I can see that." Samantha laughs, she can really imagine them hopping up and screaming her name.

"How was it?" Samantha saw her mother glance over in confusion and clarified "Being with my mom I mean. How did you two meet?"

Samritha smiles at her daughter's question while she turns into the woods and drives for a little before stopping her car and turning off the engine.

"I'll tell you that another time, but I want for us to get out here," Samantha nods and they get out of the car. Samritha locks the doors as her and Samantha walk up in front of it. Samantha stares at it "you really like it don't you?" Samritha asks with a knowing smirk.

"Yes, definitely." She breathes out. She loves the color black, red too, but black the most. The cars she has, the camaro and Jeep Wrangler, are both Matte Black.

Samritha nods "Well, if everything goes right and when everyone settles down then you can have it."

"What? Really?!" Samantha screams excitedly,  Samritha's heart swells with pride for making Samantha happy.

"Yes, I mean I only got it because your mother suggested that I get one. So, when we separated I got it to remember that connection we had," Samritha frowns for a second, Samantha glances at her than back to the car.

"I know what you mean, I never got to say sorry that you had to go through that pain alone," Samantha says with comfort lacing her voice.

"No need to apologize, I brought that upon myself. I wasn't alone though. Enia and I both helped each other get through. We never fully healed and I think that pain will always be there but I wasnt alone and I thank my sister for being there for me," she lets out "now," she looks at her car and whispers words that Samantha can't understand.

She's about to ask what she said before the car just disappears. She almost gasped before she remembers she's a witch.

"Wait, if you're a witch then doesn't that mean I'm part witch too?!" She asks with hopeful eyes, she's always found Witches interesting, imagine if she could do magic.

"Yes and no," Samantha frowns and turns to follow her mother who's started to walk. "You are part witch but you can't do big spells, I can teach you simple things but nothing big."

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