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"I helped him make nachos, " Tori mumbles nervously, attempting to shuck away the technopath's arm with very little success.

The guy is like an octopus, she thinks, stuck to her like glue.

"What's nachos?" Minhyuk questions curiously.

The fact that she is ignoring his question and trying so earnestly to remove his arm makes him smile. It seems like the human might actually have a bit of a hidden feisty side, one that rears it's head as her annoyance at his insistence begins to grow.

She tries to peel his arm away, only to find him clutching her shoulder even more tightly. And when she tries to step away, he merely pulls her back. It's been a few days since she joined the crew, and though at first she'd been a little wary of stepping on anyone's toes, she's begun to grow comfortable. So, when he adamantly refused to let go of her, she does the one thing that she's certain will get him to loosen his grip.

She stomps on his toes. Literally.

Wonho busts into a high pitch fit of giggles, eyes crinkled and mouth spread in a wide, amused smile as his finger points at Minhyuk. The technopath, on the other hand, jumps up and down, shouting words that Tori assumes are probably curse words. Not that she can understand them. Apparently the translation device doesn't work on such terms, either that, or there is no English translation.

"I'd really appreciate it if you'd keep your hands to yourself, " she asserts.

It isn't the first time that the white-haired Dhee'li has attempted to flirt with her, or made her uncomfortable with physical contact. But hopefully, after this, it will be the last.

"Duly noted, " Minhyuk concedes, still grimacing in pain.

The little human is far stronger than she looks, and to say that Minhyuk is surprised is one hell of an understatement.

By the time Wonho approaches, now fully clothed much to Tori's relief, his laughter has died down. He still wears a shit-eating grin, however. But he too thinks twice about touching Tori so casually, though he'd like nothing more than to lace his fingers within her own as they amble towards the elevator.

 But he too thinks twice about touching Tori so casually, though he'd like nothing more than to lace his fingers within her own as they amble towards the elevator

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"Whoa!" Wonho marvels. "This is seriously amazing!"

Seated at the galley table with the rest of the crew, he scarfs down the meal that Kihyun and Tori has prepared with gusto. These… nachos, as Tori had called them, are absolutely to die for.

"You guys don't have anything like this where you're from?"

Tori's question is met with several shaken heads and murmured "no's".

"What is this yellow stuff?" Hyungwon asks, eyeing or skeptically.

"It's cheese, " Tori replies, "a highly processed version of it anyway. Do you guys not have cheese where you're from either?"

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