xi. seeing her

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Soon after, Sam left the Hyan household (much to his dismay) and went back to the Rez. He knew that there was a lot more information to know, but he also was aware that he had to respect their privacy, and he had gotten answers for the most part. Even if they weren't the ones that he wanted to hear.

On the way back to the Rez all he could think about was how he was going to tell Paul that his imprint was dying. Should he tell Paul? Of course, he should have a chance to see her again in case it's the last time. But how? That was a question that no one could answer.

Oh, he definitely would not take this well, he would probably get so angry that he would instantly shift, and go on a rampage to destroy everything in his path. Ever since he shifted, Cayla was the only thing that made him feel peace, and now that was being taken away. Hearing this new news would probably set back all the progress he had made to control his anger back to zero.

    As soon as Sam pulled into his home at La Push, all the boys crowded around the vehicle, asking questions about the young Korean girl. Is she safe? Is she gonna be okay? When can we see Cayla again? Sam put on a fake smile and said that they would probably be able to see her soon, and that she's okay.

    To be honest, Sam didn't think that she would be able to survive the shift. He agreed that Cayla was strong, but seeing the shape that she was in, it would be nearly impossible to go do it. Even though he didn't know exactly what she was turning into, he had been through shifting many times before.

  "Hey Paul, can you come with me for a second?" Paul frowned. If there was she was okay, then why would they need to talk to him alone? Maybe it was about his father? Nonetheless, he nodded and followed his pack leader into the woods.

Paul trailed behind Sam as he walked deeper and deeper into the green trees around them. As they went deeper, Paul became more worried. Why were they going so far? It didn't make sense.

Sam finally stopped and sat in a stranded log that was laying on the ground that were covered by dirt, leaves, and rocks. He then patted the seat next to him. Paul lightly trailed over to his leader.

   Once Paul was next to him, he began to speak. "I need to be honest with you Paul, you might not be able to see Cayla for a long time."

   Paul frowned. "Wait what? But you just said-"

   "I know what I said. Cayla she's- she's sick. And I don't know if she can survive it." Sam's eyes met Paul's.

    Instead of getting furious like he usually does. His eyes started to water until the tears spilled out. "What?" he cried out softly.

    Sam was surprised to say the least. Cayla had changed him so much since they had met. Paul was so much happier and everyone could see it.

    "Can I see her?"


"Mom, answer me." Cayla sternly barked at her mother.

"Cayla. I can't—"

"What do you mean you can't? I heard what you said to Sam. Am I gonna die?" Cayla's voice trembles drastically.

Sure life tired the teenager out sometimes, but that's all that she was. A teenager. Cayla began to think about all of the things that she wouldn't be able to experience if she died. She would never get to graduate high school, go to college, find what she wanted to do, fall in love, get married, have children.

All of that would be ripped from her shaky, thinning palms before she had even begun to get a good grip on it. She wanted was to leave her fingerprint on the world. If she was really gone, all that would be left in her place would be a smudge.

"I-I don't know. Baby, I just wanted to protect you."

"Baby?! Mom, stop lying to me! I'm not a fucking kid anymore. I deserve to know what's going on." Florence's eyes widened at her daughters language. But it was understandable why she would be so mad.

Florence remained silent for a few moments, deliberating how her family even got to this point. How everyone would be affected, their perfect family would be broken after the secret was finally revealed.

But, she had to do it. Her children would never forgive her.

"You're a kumiho."

"Kumiho? A fox?"

"Well yes, it's a little different from the version that you is written online. In my family, at least one child per generation must go through a transition to shift into a beautiful fox."

"So this time it's me and Conner?"

"Yes. It happens the night of your seventeenth birthday. Your bones will break, you'll feel everything in your body to tell you to give up. But you can't."

Cayla's mind was scattered. "But why? Why us?"

    "I'll just start from the beginning, many many years ago, our ancestors lived peacefully with other humans. Until, one day there were rumors of other creatures arising. To say the least we were scared, so we tried to find multiple solutions, to protect ourselves. And after many months of searching, they had finally found a solution. They found that they could use sacrificial magic to evolve, and shift into something more. Something that they could use to keep them and their families safe."

"Hold on. You said sacrificial, does that mean I have to— kill people?" Cayla said hesitantly. She could barely hurt a fly, let alone a whole person

"In the past, other kumihos have feasted on humans to gain power, so you will have urges to. But, you don't have to, you will be weaker though. And trust me Cayla. it will be hard at first, but you can't give into your evil tendencies."

Cayla was in shock. She didn't know how to process this new information. "Okay.... but when will you tell Conner?"

"Soon, very soon."

    Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Cayla's eyebrows rose in surprise. Who could it be? She also felt a strange pull, making her want to open the door. It had— an alluring scent.

    Cayla rose up before her mother could even get in a rebuttal, and crossed to the door, only creaked it open slightly. Her breath hitched as she saw who was behind the door.

"Paul? Oh my god."

authors note!
lol i haven't updated in so long, and tbh i just lost motivation teehee, i hope you guys enjoyed!! don't forget to vote and comment <3

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