iv. healing and planning

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    The night continued to progress and Cayla was definitely drunk. At that moment she was dancing with Mike, feeling him up in a way that made her aware that he was excited.

To say Paul was unhappy, was an understatement. Even though they were not anything more than acquaintances all he wanted to do was to separate their bodies forever. But, he couldn't do that, right? Right, he couldn't cause a scene or Sam would kick his ass.

    The native american watched from afar as Cayla's fingers snakes into Mike Newton's hair once again. Just as they were about to head down the hall way into the bedroom, Conner came in and gripped tightly onto Cayla's wrist.

    "Cayla, I can't let you do this. Sorry Mike but she's too drunk to think about her actions at the moment. You know that if she was sober this would never happen, it disgusts me that you would even think to get with my sister right now." Conner snapped at the blonde boy. Mike's eyebrows furrowed as he looked to Cayla.

    "Conner! I can take care of myself and I know what I'm doing. I'm tired of you always worrying about me all of the time." She stumbled around as she talked. Cayla then left the room with Conner hot on her tail.

    She stomped up the stairs, almost tripping but catching herself. Cayla looked away in disgust as she walked past multiple couples making out against the walls of the house. She opened a door to a room to see a guys bare ass out in the air and quickly shut he door. "Ew."

Cayla rushed into one of the empty rooms, sitting on the bed. A sigh surpassed her lips. Her brother then came through the door and closed it behind him. "Cayla talk to me."



    "Just leave."

    Silence then engulfed the two, "Cay, what the hell has been going on. You have been acting weird for the past few weeks and whenever I ask about it. You're my best friend, I don't want to be left out, if you're going through something I want to help you. You've never done anything like this before, I'm so worried. So fucking worried." He ranged as he ran a shaky hand through his hair.

The girl in the room took a deep breath, "There is something that happened." Cayla reached for her brothers hand, pulling him down to sit on the bed beside her. Conner nodded, signaling for her to continue on with what she was saying.

"It happened when I went to the party with Jacob a few weeks ago. All of the guys left me for just a few minutes and some guy. He started grabbing me, feeling me up and trying to kiss me. Urging me to leave with him. There were bruises from how hard he held onto me. Even though he didn't go all the way, he could have. The thought of that terrifies the living shit out of me. Luckily though, another guy at the party helped me out and I was able to beat the dick heads ass." Cayla let out a small sad chuckle. She looked up to her brother to see him with a clenched jaw, along with watery eyes.

    "And why didn't you tell me?"

    "I was afraid that would you stomp up to the Rez and cause a scene. I don't want to be more of an outcast than I am when I'm there already." She shrugged.

    Suddenly, small sobs sounded from the  Korean girl as her hands placed themselves in her forehead. It felt nice to be able to connect with her brother. since their relationship was strained for awhile. She just needed to let everything out and she knew that her brother would always be there for her.

    Conner's arms keeps around her small body as he pulled his slightly younger sister into his embrace. Tears stained his shirt but he didn't care one bit. Even though he was furious, he needed to push away his emotions to take care of his family.


After their moment the twins decided that it was time to go home. Mike had already left which upset Cayla but she had no energy to make a comment about it. They had all said goodbye to her friends and got into the car to go home. When they got home, the duo immediately went to bed.

The next morning, which was a Saturday, she woke up to her phone ringing. She picked up the device and pressed it to her ear. "Hello?" She spoke with a groggy voice.

"Uh— is this Cayla? It's Paul. If you remember me—" he was cut off by the girl on the other line. "Yeah, of course Paul. The hot guy from the Reservation." She spoke, accidentally voicing her thoughts out loud.

"Shit, I said that out loud didn't I?" She questioned as she facepalmed. A light blush spread to her cheeks as he let out an adorable chuckle.

"So you think I'm hot?"

Cayla rolled her eyes. Even though she couldn't remember everything from last night, she did recall seeing girls all over the Lahote. "Don't act like it's the first time you've heard it."

"Well, I don't know. From you, it's different." He told her honestly as Cayla's eyebrows furrowed.

"How so?" She asked.

"I just have a feeling that we'll be close." He said, not wanting to tell her the real reason. It wasn't a lie technically, the were destined to be together.

"Mm," Cayla nodded her head. "So, what are you doing today?"

"Oh? You're asking me out already, wow so fast. I didn't know that you were such a player." He teased.

"Don't cream your pants, first of all I have a boyfriend. And, second of all that is hilarious coming from the player of La Push." She told him.

"Alright, you got me there. And I am not busy."

"Good, because we are gonna hang out today." A smile made its way into her face as she uttered those words. She wasn't sure what it was that made her so interested in Paul. He was like a puzzle to her and from that moment on she was determined to figure him out.

benefits ( paul lahote )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora