viii. secrets and sickness

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-       Another week had passed, and even though it was hard, Cayla was slowly healing

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    Another week had passed, and even though it was hard, Cayla was slowly healing. Going to school with Mike did not help at all obviously, but she had to pull up her 'big girl pants' and deal with the situation as best as she could. Mike had tried talking to her multiple times, but Cayla would only brush him off.

No one really knew what really happened between the two, except for them (and Paul). One day they were all cuddly and the next you could feel the hostility every time you were near the two. As always, Jessica tried her best to pry out information, but neither of them would budge. Angela was too busy caught up in trying to pursue Eric, so she didn't care all that much. Eric was a little concerned but they quickly went away for some reason— Cayla thinks that Mike told Eric but that didn't really bother her all that much.

Bella on the other hand, she wasn't around all that much anymore. Cayla didn't even think that Bella knew about her and Mike in the first place. Instead she made some new friends that no one expected. To everyone's surprise, she had started dating the schools most mysterious yet desired guy, Edward Cullen. Cayla honestly wasn't shocked, but found it funny that when she told him how they should be together, he thought it was so funny. Hah, that is the last time he should ever doubt her again.

As for Conner, he had been getting really sick recently, so he did not have the time or energy to worry about what was happening with his twin. He would get splitting headaches, and could feel his body hurting everywhere. Every night Cayla could heat her brothers groans from pain.

She would always ask her parents 'Why don't you guys take him to the hospital?' but they would just blow it off and just acted if it was a common cold. Conner sounded like he was literally dying. But, she knew that she could never argue with her parents.


Cayla came home and went up the stairs, eager to see how her brother was doing. When she got to his door, she lightly pushed it open to see her brother staring at the ceiling, looking almost in a daze. "Hey Connie, can I come in?"

He shot up. "Yeah yeah, sorry I kind of blanked out."

Cayla moved over to his desk and took a chair, dragging it over so he could sit next to his bed. "Are you okay? Or at least feeling any better?"

"I've just been feeling off lately. To be honest, I don't know, like something is changing inside of me. And it hurts, it hurts so much. I think Mom and Dad know what's going on with me, but they're just not telling me anything." Conner said, worried for his health.

"Calm down, I will make sure nothing bad happens to you. I'll try to look into it and see if I can get anything out of Mom and Dad. I pinky promise." She told him, holding out her pinky. Conner laughed at her childish ways, but linked it with his nonetheless.

   "Well, I gotta go study for my Algebra test." Cayla stood and started to walk towards the exit.

   Connor chuckled. "Yeah you might wanna go before you infect all of this." He used his hands to gesture to himself.

  "Bye loser."

   Cayla went and sat down at her desk and went over the same stuff over and over again. She felt like she just wasn't getting it. Even though the work was repetitive, math was her worst subject and it also was her lowest grade. It was high, but not high enough for her standards.

   Usually she had Mike to help her out but that was not an option, obviously. She studied for about an hour before her brain got too tired. She looked at the time and sighed, 5:04 p.m.. Cayla took a deep breath and picked up her phone to see if anyone had contacted her.

hey are you free? i'm bored

kind of, i'm studying but
i'm exhausted and need a break

wanna pick me up? and we
can hang out for a little bit.

sounds like a plan i'll be
there in 20

Cayla smiled and went downstairs to go tell her parents that she was leaving They agreed thankfully. But, of course her father had to make one comment.

   "Is it your one boyfriend? The one that dropped you off that one day?"

   "Boyfriend? Didn't you just get out of a relationship with Mike? Sweetie, I get that your a teenager and that you want to experiment. I mean how else do you think I met your Dad. There was even one time I was with this wo—"

"Umma! Stop there, please! Look me and Paul are just friends." Cayla stopped and looked out the window when she heard a car pulling up in the driveway.

"Oh and he's here. Thank you for this amazing conversation, but I'll see you guys later." Cayla ran to the door and quickly put on her shoes and ran out the door.

Mr. Hyan shook his head. "Well, she is in quite a rush to see someone who is just a friend."

"Look at how much our babies have grown up, it seems like we were just sending them off to middle school. And now, they're about to be seventeen." His wife sighed, knowing that they will have a big change in their lives soon.

"Do you think that Cayla inherited the gene too? It's already going to be hard having one of them, let alone two." He said, shaking his head. He didn't want this life for his kids, they deserved to be normal.

"It's hard to tell. But we should start gathering supplies for Conner's transformation." Mrs. Hyan then got up and walked away, not wanting to discuss their situation any longer.

"Yeah, we should." Cayla's father said to no one but himself.


"Hi, Paul. I am eternally grateful for your impeccable timing. If I was in that house hearing about my mom's experimental phase, I would have lost my shit."

"I'm glad to be at your service, your majesty." Paul smiled.

"Anyway Lahote, what adventure are we going on today?"

"I have an idea but how much time do you have?"

"An hour or so— why?"


authors note

oh my gosh i didn't take four months!! are you guys proud 😌... any who i hope you guys had a merry christmas and have a happy new year :))

this chapter was just a filler because i wanted to upload and to help move the story along. you guys also got to see more of cayla and her brother. this chapter is also kinda short doe so my bad.

i probably won't update until 2020 so i would like to say thank you to all of my supporters and readers who give me motivation to write, i'll see you guys next year!

(p.s. do you guys like the new cover?)

benefits ( paul lahote )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt