i. new girl in town

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Cayla Hyan awoke to her annoying twin brother yelling in her face. She groaned as she pushed her brothers face away and flipped him off. "I was having a great dream until you came in here and woke me up."

"You were probably having a dream about Jacob." Conner said as he started to walk out of his sisters room. He had always thought Jacob and Cayla were meant to be, but the two of them were purely just best friends. Cayla threw a pillow at her brothers head as she got up and stood on her small legs.

As she approached her bed she looked at her clock that rested on the bedside table, she only had twelve minutes to get ready. Her hands attached themselves to pieces of clothes in her closet, throwing together an outfit. It was quite cold so she pulled out a gray oversized cable knit sweater and tucked it into her high rise jeans.

"Seodulleo!" She heard her brother call out in Korean the first floor. Cayla ran downstairs grabbing an apple on the way and stopped at the doorstep to put on her worn out converse. Conner rolled his eyes at her slowness as he walked out of the house and entering the car that the two siblings shared. The Korean girl ran to catch up with him as she struggled to get both of the straps on her shoulders. When the two were settled in the car Conner sighed. "One of these days I'm just not gonna wake you up and you'll be have to walk to school." He said.

"You love me too much to do that." Cayla grinned while placing her hand on his forearm. He didn't respond and began the drive to their school. On the way to school she softly sang 'I Want It That Way' by the Backstreet Boys.

After a few minutes, the car stopped at the final destination and Cayla hopped out of the car and joined her brothers side as they walked towards her group of friends. She placed her arms around Mike's and Eric's shoulders as she greeted the group. "What's up guys?" She greeted. They informed her about how there was supposed to be a new girl, Bella Swan who was supposed to be arriving today. Coincidentally, a red truck pulled up not to far from them and a girl their age hopped out.

Cayla examined her and saw that she was quite pretty. She heard Tyler say something to the girl, but Bella obviously didn't care. As Eric moved to go talk to her, Cayla stopped him. "At least let her get her schedule until you start bombarding her with questions."

Eric reluctantly listened to the small girl and watched from afar. The bell rang for school to start and a flock of students headed towards the entrance doors. Cayla waved goodbye to Conner before going with Jess and Mike to go to their first class, PE. The boys and girls were split up so the boys played basketball, while the girls did volleyball.

Cayla sat out for that day, saying she had period cramps but in reality she didn't want to get embarrassed from her lack of talent in volleyball. As the long haired girl turned the page in her book, she heard a —oof— sound from across the gym. She rushed across the courts as she saw Mike holding his head. "Mike, are you okay?" She asked the blonde boy and he nodded. Her gaze shifted to Bella who stood awkwardly. Jess then came out and joined the group too.

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